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The authors propose a novel reinforcement learning (RL) framework, where agent behaviour is governed by traditional control theory. This integrated approach, called time-in-action RL, enables RL to be applicable to many real-world systems, where underlying dynamics are known in their control theoretical formalism. The key insight to facilitate this integration is to model the explicit time function, mapping the state-action pair to the time accomplishing the action by its underlying controller. In their framework, they describe an action by its value (action value), and the time that it takes to perform (action time). An action-value results from the policy of RL regarding a state. Action time is estimated by an explicit time model learnt from the measured activities of the underlying controller. RL value network is then trained with embedded time model to predict action time. This approach is tested using a variant of Atari Pong and proved to be convergent.

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7 Appendix

7.1 Convergence analysis

Consider a special kind of infinite-horizon discounted MDP, defined by the tuple (S,A,P,r,γ), where S is a finite set of states, A is a finite set of actions, P:S×A×SR is the transition probability distribution, r:S×A×SR is the reward function, and γ:S×A[0,1) is the discount factor function. Note that the discount factor here is a function of current state st and action at, rather than a constant.
Given an initial state s0, we want to find a deterministic policy π~:S×S×NA that maximises the value function Vπ~:SR defined as below:
where rt:=r(st,at,st+1),at=π~(st,s0,t),st+1P(st+1|st,at) for t0. The time-varying policy defined above is called Markov because it does not involve dependence on states beyond the current and the initial. Actually, a more general definition of policy is to make it history dependent. In other words, a history-dependent policy allows the current action at to depend on the entire past history s0,a0,,at1,st. The adequacy of Markov policies says that the expected value function of any history-dependent policy can be replicated with a Markov policy in MDP, which is proved in [24]. Therefore, we only consider the Markov policy in what follows.
An optimal value function V* is defined by
where at=π~(st,s0,t),st+1P(st+1|st,at) for t0. Note that if Vπ~ is bounded, the supremum does exist for any sS. However, it remains to be seen whether the optimal policy π~ that attains the supremum exists for all sS. What is more, we are especially interested in stationary deterministic policies, i.e. policies which are independent of initial state and time. Let π:SA denote a stationary deterministic policy, where the action is chosen as at=π(st) directly. We will find that there exists a stationary optimal policy if some assumptions are made. To show this, first we will prove some properties of the optimal value function V*, and then we will design a stationary policy which is optimal.
Assumption 1
The reward per stage satisfies
where M is some scalar. Furthermore
Boundedness of the reward per stage, as well as the customisation on the bound of discount factor per stage, is not as restrictive as might appear. Assumption 1 automatically holds when the spaces S and A are finite sets. Now, it is easy to check that Vπ~(s) is bounded for all sS with any given π~, hence the existence of V* can be ensured.
Actually, the optimal value function V* also satisfies the Bellman optimality equation, as is in the conventional case, which we will prove in detail. Define the Bellman optimality operator T:RSRS by
We denote by Tk the composition of the mapping T with itself k times. The following proposition shows that any bounded function V will finally converge to the optimal value function V*, with T operated infinite times.
Proposition 1
Given any bounded function V0:SR, the optimal value function satisfies
for any positive integer K and s0S. Furthermore
For any initial state sS, policy π~ and positive integer K, we partition Vπ~ into two parts, the first K stages and the remaining stages
where at=π~(st,s0,t),st+1P(st+1|st,at). Since by Assumption 1, we have rl=r(sl,al,sl+1)M and γ(s,a)ξ1, we also obtain
Using these relations, it follows that:
Note that
we have
where at=π~(st,s0,t),st+1P(st+1|st,at). By taking the supremum over π~, we obtain for any positive integer K and s0S
Now that 0<ξ<1, by taking the limit as K, the results follow. □
Lemma 1
For any functions V:SR and V:SR, such that
we have
we have
hence (TkV)(s)(TkV)(s). □
Lemma 2
Let e:SR denote the unit function that takes the value 1 identically on S, i.e. e(s)=1,sS. For any kZ+, any non-negative scalar d, and any value function V:SR, we have
As for the first inequality, we have
hence (T(V+de))(s)(TV)(s)+ξd holds for all sS. As for the second inequality, (T(Vde+de))(s)(T(Vde))(s)+ξd, hence (T(Vde))(s)(TV)(s)ξd for all sS. □
Now, we are ready to show that the optimal value function V* also satisfies the Bellman optimality equation as is in the conventional case. What is more, V* is the unique solution.
Theorem 1
The optimal value function V* satisfies Bellman optimality equation
or, equivalently
Furthermore, V* is the unique solution of this equation within the class of bounded functions.
By Proposition 1, we have for all sS and NZ+
where Vzero is the zero function Vzero(s)=0 for any sS. Applying the Bellman optimality operator to this inequality and using Lemma 1 as well as Lemma 2, we obtain for all sS and NZ+
By taking the limit as V and using the fact in Proposition 1
we obtain
To show uniqueness, observe that if V is bounded and satisfies V=TV, then V=limNTNV, so by Proposition 1, we have V=V*. □
Now that the existence and uniqueness of V* have been proven, we define the optimal state-action-value function by
The Bellman optimality equation can also be written as
Obviously, the stationary policy π*:SA defined by
is optimal, because Vπ*:=Vπ~|π~=π* definitely satisfies the TVπ*=Vπ*, thus Vπ*=V*. We can conclude that there exists an optimal policy which is stationary. Note that the existence and uniqueness of V* ensuring those of Q* and π*.
Now, we are preparing to show that Q-learning algorithm still works in our special kind of infinite-horizon discounted MDP. Define the operator H:RS×ARS×A by
where Q:S×AR is any state-value function.
Lemma 3
The optimal state-value function Q* is the equilibrium of the operator H, i.e.
By Theorem 1, we have V*(s)=maxaAQ*(s,a), then for all (s,a)S×A
In short, HQ*=Q*. □
Lemma 4
The operator H is a contraction with respect to , i.e.
for any state-value function Q and Q.
Theorem 2
The random process {Δt} taking values in Rn and defined as
converges to zero with probability 1 if the following conditions are satisfied:
0αt1,tαt(x)= and tαt(x)2<;
EFt(x)|FtWξΔtW, with ξ<1;
varFt(x)|FtC1+ΔtW2, for C>0.
See [25]. □
Theorem 3
As for the special infinite-horizon discounted MDP (S,A,P,r,γ) defined above, the Q-learning algorithm, given by the update rule
converges with probability 1 to the optimal state-action-value function Q* as long as
for all (s,a)S×A.
The update rule of Q-learning can be written as
Let Δt(s,a)=Qt(s,a)Q*(s,a), the equation above yields
If we write
where sP(s|s,a), we have
By Lemma 3, HQ*=Q*
By Lemma 4, we have
Owing to Assumption 1, the term r(s,a,s) is bounded; obviously, we have
Finally, by Theorem 2, Δt converges to zero with probability 1, i.e. Qt converges to Q* with probability 1. □

Information & Authors


Published in


Received: 14 December 2018
Revision received: 30 January 2019
Accepted: 07 February 2019
Published ahead of print: 13 February 2019
Published online: 01 June 2019
Published in print: June 2019

Inspec keywords

  1. learning (artificial intelligence)


  1. reinforcement learning framework
  2. control theoretical formalism
  3. explicit time function
  4. action value
  5. action time
  6. RL value network
  7. embedded time model
  8. time-in-action RL



Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
Zhepei Wang
Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
Douglas Mcilwraith
Data Science Institute, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK
Chao Wu
School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
Chao Xu
Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
Yike Guo
Data Science Institute, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK

Funding Information

National Natural Science Foundation of China: 61473253

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