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IEE Proceedings F (Communications, Radar and Signal Processing)

Volume 134, Issue 6, October 1987

Volume 134, Issue 6

October 1987

Spatial correlation in K-distributed sea clutter
Erratum: Subscriber loop noise measurements and calibration
Noiseless encoding of speech signals
Transmission of log-PCM via QAM over Gaussian and Rayleigh fading channels
Logarithmic PCM weighted QAM transmission over Gaussian and Rayleigh fading channels
Limiting error bounds for the continuous channel
Prediction of attenuation on satellite-earth links in the European region
Trigonometric high-resolution method to resolve two close targets
Asymptotically optimum detection of fluctuating targets in non-Gaussian interference
Antenna elements for improved shipboard HF direction-finding
Book review: Radio Receivers
Optimisation of centroiding procedure for noisy measurements
Monogenic function range resolution radar
Binary-decision approach to fast Chien search for software decoding of BCH codes

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