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Online ISSN 1751-8857 Print ISSN 1751-8849

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Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2018

Volume 12, Issue 6

December 2018

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    • Biological pest control using a model-based robust feedback
      Dynamic optimal experimental design yields marginal improvement over steady-state results for computational maximisation of regulatory T-cell induction in ex vivo culture
      Identification of essential proteins based on a new combination of topological and biological features in weighted protein–protein interaction networks
      Cancers classification based on deep neural networks and emotional learning approach
      Time-invariant biological networks with feedback loops: structural equation models and structural identifiability
      Identifying cancer-related microRNAs based on subpathways
      Study of cohabitation and interconnection effects on normal and leukaemic stem cells dynamics in acute myeloid leukaemia
      Modelling and simulation of photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence transition from dark-adapted state to light-adapted state
      Hierarchical parameter estimation of GRN based on topological analysis
      Modelling and simulation of chlorophyll fluorescence from photosystem II as affected by temperature

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