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Online ISSN 1751-9578 Print ISSN 1751-956X

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Volume 9, Issue 3, April 2015

Volume 9, Issue 3

April 2015

Empty vehicles management as a method for reducing passenger waiting time in Personal Rapid Transit networks
Semi-automatic annotation samples for vehicle type classification in urban environments
Stochastic effects of traffic randomness on the determination of signal change and clearance intervals at signalised intersections
Segmentation of vehicle detector data for improved k-nearest neighbours-based traffic flow prediction
A framework for real-time emissions trading in large-scale vehicle fleets
Exploring the heavy goods vehicle fleet behaviour through simulations: notes from the German toll system
Privacy – aware average speed monitoring system for vehicular ad-hoc networks
Mechanism of vehicular periodic operation for optimal fuel economy in free-driving scenarios
Robust visual odometry estimation of road vehicle from dominant surfaces for large-scale mapping
Regression-based parking space availability prediction for the Ubike system
Emission dynamic meso-simulation model to evaluate traffic strategies in congested urban networks
Effect of intelligent speed adaptation technology on older drivers’ driving performance

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