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Online ISSN 1751-9667 Print ISSN 1751-9659

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Volume 13, Issue 3, 28 February 2019

Volume 13, Issue 3

28 February 2019

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    • Automated glaucoma detection using retinal layers segmentation and optic cup-to-disc ratio in optical coherence tomography images
      Biometric-based efficient medical image watermarking in E-healthcare application
      Intelligent system with dragonfly optimisation for caries detection
      Robust retinal blood vessel segmentation using hybrid active contour model
      Pose detection in complex classroom environment based on improved Faster R-CNN
      Image restoration via DOST and total variation regularisation
      Deep pixel-to-pixel network for underwater image enhancement and restoration
      Robust, blind multichannel image identification and restoration using stack decoder
      Single image fast deblurring algorithm based on hyper-Laplacian model
      Deep neural network with FGL for small dataset classification
      Target tracking based on the cognitive associative network
      Automatic segmentation of MR depicted carotid arterial boundary based on local priors and constrained global optimisation
      Detected text-based image retrieval approach for textual images
      Inter-frame forgery detection based on differential energy of residue
      Optimised halftoning and inverse halftoning of dermoscopic images for supporting teledermoscopy system
      Low-light image enhancement with strong light weakening and bright halo suppressing
      Knockoff filter-based feature selection for discrimination of non-small cell lung cancer in CT image

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