Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal

image of Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal
Online ISSN 2051-218X
Print ISSN 0954-0695

Published from 1989-2002, the Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal aimed to inform practising professional engineers who were involved in electronics and communications by providing coverage of new developments in a serious technical, but not in an overformal or academic manner.

Topics covered included: Measurement and instrumentation; circuit design, simulation and CAD; signal and image processing, coding; microwaves, antennas and radio propagation; optoelectronics; TV and sound broadcasting; telecommunication networks; radio and satellite communications; radar, sonar and navigation systems; and electromagnetic compatibility.

This journal was previously known as Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers 1985-1988. ISSN 0267-1689. more..

This publication is continued by Communications Engineer 2003-2007. ISSN 1479-8352. more..

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