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With all the recent advancements in the electronic world, hardware is becoming smaller, cheaper and more powerful; while the software industry is moving towards service-oriented integration technologies. Hence, service oriented architecture is becoming a popular platform for the development of applications for distributed embedded real-time system (DERTS). With rapidly increasing diversity of services on the internet, new demands have been raised concerning the efficient discovery of heterogeneous device services in the dynamic environment of DERTS. Context-awareness principles have been widely studied for DERTS; hence, it can be used as an additional set of service selection criteria. However, in order to use context information effectively, it should be presented in an unambiguous way and the dynamic nature of the embedded and real-time systems should be considered. To address these challenges, the authors present a service discovery framework for DERTS which uses context-aware ontology of embedded and real-time systems and a semantic matching algorithm to facilitate the discovery of device services in embedded and real-time system environments. The proposed service discovery framework also considers the associated priorities with the requirements posed by the requester during the service discovery process.


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