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access icon free Performance analysis of multiple input converter for standalone photovoltaic system

Multiple-input converters (MICs) are receiving significant popularity in hybridisation of energy sources especially for renewable energy integration and vehicular electrification. In the last decade, several MIC topologies have been proposed; however, application-oriented implementation and its in-depth analysis in terms of reliability, stability, sensitivity, efficiency and voltage–current stress along with fault tolerant operation has been ignored. Thus, intensive investigation in terms of different performance attributes is crucial for the selection of application-oriented MIC topology. Therefore, in this study, comprehensive investigation of an MIC for providing a clear picture of the landscape of various performances attributes has been carried out for photovoltaic application considering source dynamics in addition to source and load end intermittencies. The presented system offers a modular structure, flexible control and reliable operation with a simple and compact design. The proposed work examines the stability of the presented converter besides investigating reliability profile, and also focuses on determining the effect on load voltage with respect to input and output perturbations along with loss distribution analysis for determining the efficiency of the converter. The controller designed has been experimentally validated with the solar emulator and dSPACE 1103 real-time digital controller. Furthermore, the topology has been compared with recently published topologies qualitatively and quantitatively.

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