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access icon free Multinomial logit analysis of the effects of five different app-based incentives to encourage cycling to work

This study presents results from an investigation into the effect of positive incentives on cycling behaviour among 1802 commuters in the Twente region of the Netherlands. The authors used an on-line survey, which included mock-up apps with incentives to commute to work by bicycle. They tested five reward schemes, namely social rewards (such as badges), in-kind gifts, money, competition, and cooperation. They used the survey data in a multinomial logit model to estimate to what extent travellers will use the app and increase their cycling frequency and which incentives they prefer. The model results show that respondents who sometimes cycle to work are more positive about incentive schemes than respondents who never cycle and that offering an app with in-kind gifts is probably most effective. Interestingly, non-cyclists are more likely to change their behaviour for a reward if they care about travel costs, while occasional cyclists are more likely to cycle more often in response to incentives if they care about attributes that are related to the cycling itself. This also depends on attitudes towards cycling and on socio-demographic variables.


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