access icon free Gated branch neural network for mandatory lane changing suggestion at the on-ramps of highway

A gated branch neural network (GBNN) is proposed for modelling mandatory lane changing (MLC) behaviour at the on-ramps of highways. It provides a core algorithm for an MLC suggestion system for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), where the main challenge is the trade-off between computational speed and prediction accuracy for both non-merge and merge events. The GBNN algorithm employs a gated branch based on correlation analysis, scaled exponential linear units activation function, and adaptive moment estimation optimiser. The algorithm has been evaluated using the real-world dataset of U.S. Highway 101 and Interstate 80 from Federal Highway Administration's Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM). Input features are extracted from NGSIM and pre-processed by standardisation and principal component analysis. TensorFlow framework and Python are used as the development platform. Results show that the proposed GBNN algorithm with the Pearson correlation method has values of 97.7%, 96.3%, and 0.990 for non-merge accuracy, merge accuracy, and receiver operating characteristic score, respectively. It outperforms other traditional binary classifiers for MLC applications, and is more light-weight than a convolutional neural network (AlexNet) of deep learning algorithm. Owing to its compact architecture, the GBNN provides high accuracy and efficiency, demonstrating promising usage as an MLC suggestion system in ADAS.

Inspec keywords: learning (artificial intelligence); behavioural sciences computing; optimisation; traffic engineering computing; principal component analysis; neural nets; driver information systems

Other keywords: adaptive moment estimation optimiser; correlation analysis; on-ramps-of-highway; nonmerge event; NGSIM; U.S. Highway 101; nonmerge accuracy; gated branch neural network; GBNN algorithm; U.S. Interstate 80; ADAS; Python; deep learning algorithm; mandatory lane changing behaviour modelling; Pearson correlation method; receiver operating characteristic score; MLC behaviour modelling; mandatory lane changing suggestion; Federal Highway Administration Next Generation Simulation; real-world dataset; advanced driver assistance systems; merge accuracy; TensorFlow framework; MLC suggestion system; principal component analysis; scaled exponential linear units activation function; merge event

Subjects: Knowledge engineering techniques; Other topics in statistics; Traffic engineering computing; Social and behavioural sciences computing; Neural computing techniques; Optimisation techniques


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