access icon free Concept of controlling the usage of nomadic devices in highly automated vehicles

Today, the automobile industry and several research institutes develop automated vehicles for several driving applications. With increasing capabilities of automation, the driver can be more and more dispensed from the driving task and might want to use his nomadic devices to get entertained, read the news or do office work while driving. However, in some complex driving situations (such as road works, freeway exit ramps or lane closure because of car accidents), the automation still needs to safely hand over the control to the driver. These situations require a lot of attention by the driver who must not be tempted to ignore the warnings of the assistance system and to continue any task on the nomadic device until a critical situation originates. This study describes a method to link nomadic devices to vehicles to support a safe usage during highly automated driving and a first approach to ensure a safe transition between different automation modes. Therefore the automation system is connected to the nomadic device in the vehicle and has the ability to actively control the content on the screen. The proof of concept is demonstrated in a research vehicle that drives on a simulated motorway.

Inspec keywords: driver information systems; automobile industry

Other keywords: complex driving situations; automated driving; simulated motorway; automation modes; automobile industry; nomadic device usage controlling; highly automated vehicles; advanced driver assistance systems

Subjects: Traffic engineering computing; Road-traffic system control


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