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access icon free Reported use of speed control systems: cruise control and speed limiter

This study presents results from focus group sessions conducted in six countries, namely, Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Portugal and Spain. The work was conducted within the framework of the European project INTERACTION, and the main aim was to collect the opinions of drivers that had cruise control and speed limiter systems available for more than 1 year. A constant comparison analysis was performed and content categories compared among the sessions. This technique allowed assessing whether themes that emerged from one group also emerged in another. Results provide insights into the motives underlying system use and their effects on driving behaviour. A higher percentage of drivers reported using cruise control more frequently than speed limiter. Moreover, drivers having both systems used cruise control significantly more than speed limiter. Statements of ‘dislike’ were documented for speed limiter in several group sessions. Although drivers had the systems available for more than 1 year, lack of knowledge regarding specific system functioning was apparent. Reports of trial-and-error learning in real driving conditions, experience of critical situations and performance of secondary tasks with both systems active are discussed in this study.


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