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In a world becoming dependent on cloud computing, multiple and many techniques are needed to meet security and privacy requirements. This study investigates using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) in the cloud for a set of signal processing algorithms. Using FHE provides a level of security and privacy for cloud computing. This research implements a framework with a set of real number processing formats that allows FHE to be used in the cloud. Developing formats for real numbers is required because FHE operates over integers. Both a fixed point binary format and a rational number format are implemented to allow for real number processing. Experimentally, the framework is implemented and verified with three algorithms: fast Fourier transform, speeded up robust features, and histogram of oriented gradients. Each implementation is bounded with error caused by the formats and examined against images (two-dimensional signals).

Inspec keywords: image coding; computer network security; cloud computing; data privacy; cryptography; fast Fourier transforms

Other keywords: fast Fourier transform; histogram of oriented gradients; fully homomorphic encryption; speeded up robust features; FHE; cloud computing; rational number format; fixed point binary format; 2D signals; signal processing algorithms; real number processing formats

Subjects: Other computer networks; Computer communications; Data security; Image and video coding; Integral transforms; Integral transforms; Computer vision and image processing techniques; Cryptography


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