Enhanced load frequency control: incorporating locational information for temporal enhancement
- Author(s): Mazheruddin H. Syed 1 ; Efren Guillo-Sansano 1 ; Steven M. Blair 1 ; Graeme M. Burt 1 ; Alexander M. Prostejovsky 2 ; Evangelos Rikos 3
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Institute for Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde , Glasgow, G1 1RD , UK ;
2: Department of Electrical Engineering , Technical University of Denmark , Riso, 4000 , Denmark ;
3: Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving , Pikermi Attiki, 19009 , Greece
Institute for Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde , Glasgow, G1 1RD , UK ;
- Source:
Volume 13, Issue 10,
1865 – 1874
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.6603 , Print ISSN 1751-8687, Online ISSN 1751-8695
With the increasing penetration of renewables in power systems, frequency regulation is proving to be a major challenge for system operators using slower conventional generation, and alternative means to provide faster regulation are being actively sought. The participation of demand side management in ancillary service provision is proven in some energy markets, yet its full potential to benefit frequency regulation, including the exploitation of fast power ramping capability of some devices, is still undergoing research. In this study, a novel approach to improve the speed of response of load frequency control, a secondary frequency control approach is proposed. The proposed control is enabled by an effective location identification technique, is highly resilient to anticipated system changes such as reduction of inertia, and enables fully decentralised power system architectures. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated and compared to that of present day regulation control, by means of real-time simulations incorporating appropriate time delays conducted on a five-area reduced model of the Great Britain power system. The applicability of the method is further proven under realistic communications delays and measurements experimentally using a controller and power hardware-in-the-loop setup, demonstrating its critical support for enabling the stable operation of future power systems.
Inspec keywords: delays; frequency control; power markets; load regulation; power generation control; power system control
Other keywords: controller; Great Britain power system; system operators; future power systems; ancillary service provision; potential to benefit frequency regulation; appropriate time delays; alternative means; enhanced load frequency control; power hardware-in-the-loop setup; temporal enhancement; anticipated system changes; faster regulation; secondary frequency control; day regulation control; effective location identification technique; power system architectures; fast power ramping capability; demand side management; slower conventional generation units; incorporating locational information; energy markets
Subjects: Control of electric power systems; Frequency control; Power system management, operation and economics; Power system control
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