access icon free Identification of crop diseases using improved convolutional neural networks

Conventional AlexNet has the problems of slow training speed, single characteristic scale and low recognition accuracy. To solve these problems, a convolutional neural network identification model based on Inception module and dilated convolution is proposed in this study. The inception module combined with dilated convolution, could extract disease characteristics at different scales and increase the receptive field. By setting different parameters, six improved models were obtained. They were trained to identify 26 diseases of 14 different crops; then the authors selected optimal recognition model. On this basis, the segmented dataset and the grey-scaled dataset were trained as comparative experiments to explore the influence of background and colour features on the recognition results. After only two training epochs, the improved optimal model could achieve an accuracy of over 95%. Moreover, the final average identification accuracy reached 99.37%. Contrast experiments indicate that colour and background features may influence the recognition effect. The improved model can extract disease information from different scales in the feature map to identify diverse diseases of different crops. The proposed model has faster training speed and higher recognition accuracy than the traditional model, and thus it can provide a reference for crop disease identification in actual production.

Inspec keywords: image segmentation; crops; plant diseases; learning (artificial intelligence); convolutional neural nets; feature extraction; image recognition

Other keywords: background features; convolutional neural network identification model; crop disease identification; disease information; disease characteristics; grey-scaled dataset; improved convolutional neural networks; dilated convolution; training speed; improved model; segmented dataset; optimal recognition model; colour features; inception module; AlexNet; single characteristic scale; receptive field; training epochs

Subjects: Knowledge engineering techniques; Neural computing techniques; Image recognition; Agriculture, forestry and fisheries computing; Computer vision and image processing techniques; Agriculture


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