access icon free Automated diabetic retinopathy grading and lesion detection based on the modified R-FCN object-detection algorithm

In this work, we develop a computer-aided retinal image screening system that can perform automated diabetic retinopathy (DR) grading and DR lesion detection in retinal fundus images. We propose a modified object-detection method for this task via a region-based fully convolutional network (R-FCN). A feature pyramid network and a modified region proposal network are applied to enhance the detection of small objects. The DR-grading model based on the modified R-FCN is evaluated on the Messidor data set and images provided by the Shanghai Eye Hospital. High sensitivity of 99.39% and specificity of 99.93% are obtained on the hospital data. Moreover, high sensitivity of 92.59% and specificity of 96.20% are obtained on the Messidor data set. The modified R-FCN lesion-detection model is validated on the hospital data set and achieves a 92.15% mean average precision. The proposed R-FCN can efficiently accomplish DR grading and lesion detection with high accuracy.

Inspec keywords: diseases; medical image processing; blood vessels; image classification; biomedical optical imaging; feature extraction; object detection; eye; image segmentation

Other keywords: modified object-detection method; feature pyramid network; modified R-FCN object-detection algorithm; computer-aided retinal image screening system; Shanghai Eye Hospital; modified R-FCN lesion-detection model; Messidor data; hospital data; retinal fundus images; DR-grading model; region-based fully convolutional network; modified region proposal network; lesion detection

Subjects: Optical and laser radiation (medical uses); Computer vision and image processing techniques; Biology and medical computing; Patient diagnostic methods and instrumentation; Biomedical measurement and imaging; Optical, image and video signal processing


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