Bird and whale species identification using sound images
- Author(s): Loris Nanni 1 ; Rafael L. Aguiar 2, 3 ; Yandre M.G. Costa 2 ; Sheryl Brahnam 4 ; Carlos N. Silla Jr. 3 ; Ricky L. Brattin 4 ; Zhao Zhao 5, 6
View affiliations
DEI , University of Padua , Italy ;
2: PCC/DIN , State University of Maringá , Maringá , Brazil ;
3: PPGIA , Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná , Curitiba , Brazil ;
4: CIS , Missouri State University , Springfield , USA ;
5: School of Electronic and Optical Engineering , Nanjing University of Science and Technology , Nanjing 210094 , People's Republic of China ;
6: Department of Forestry and Natural Resources , Purdue University , West Lafayette IN47907 , USA
DEI , University of Padua , Italy ;
- Source:
Volume 12, Issue 2,
178 – 184
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2017.0075 , Print ISSN 1751-9632, Online ISSN 1751-9640
Image identification of animals is mostly centred on identifying them based on their appearance, but there are other ways images can be used to identify animals, including by representing the sounds they make with images. In this study, the authors present a novel and effective approach for automated identification of birds and whales using some of the best texture descriptors in the computer vision literature. The visual features of sounds are built starting from the audio file and are taken from images constructed from different spectrograms and from harmonic and percussion images. These images are divided into sub-windows from which sets of texture descriptors are extracted. The experiments reported in this study using a dataset of Bird vocalisations targeted for species recognition and a dataset of right whale calls targeted for whale detection (as well as three well-known benchmarks for music genre classification) demonstrate that the fusion of different texture features enhances performance. The experiments also demonstrate that the fusion of different texture features with audio features is not only comparable with existing audio signal approaches but also statistically improves some of the stand-alone audio features. The code for the experiments will be publicly available at
Inspec keywords: image texture
Other keywords: percussion images; image identification; harmonic images; visual features; sound images; texture features; bird vocalisations; audio signal approaches
Subjects: Optical, image and video signal processing; Computer vision and image processing techniques
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