Achievable performance bounds for tall MIMO systems
Achievable performance bounds for tall MIMO systems
- Author(s): M.A. García ; M.E. Salgado ; E.I. Silva
- DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2010.0328
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- Author(s): M.A. García 1 ; M.E. Salgado 1 ; E.I. Silva 1
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1: Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
1: Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
- Source:
Volume 5, Issue 5,
17 March 2011,
736 – 743
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2010.0328 , Print ISSN 1751-8644, Online ISSN 1751-8652
In this study, a methodology to compute achievable performance bounds for non-right-invertible, stable, discrete-time MIMO systems is proposed. This methodology is based on the definition of a new performance index, which is the cumulative, squared and exponentially weighted tracking error to a step reference. The results include expressions for the optimal value of this performance index and for the Youla parameter that is able to achieve such performance. For a particular class of single-input multiple-output plants, closed-form expressions depending on the dynamic features of the plant are also obtained. A discussion on the selection of the speed of decay of the exponential weight and its influence on optimal closed-loop stability is included. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the results.
Inspec keywords: MIMO systems; least mean squares methods; stability; closed loop systems; discrete time systems; performance index; optimal control
Other keywords:
Subjects: Discrete control systems; Multivariable control systems; Stability in control theory; Optimal control; Interpolation and function approximation (numerical analysis)
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