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Complex networks properties analysis for mobile ad hoc networks

Complex networks properties analysis for mobile ad hoc networks

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Recently, research on complex network theory and applications draws a lot of attention in both academy and industry. In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) area of research, a critical issue is to design the most effective topology for given problems. It is natural and significant to consider complex networks topology when optimising the MANET topology. Current works usually transform MANET or sensor network topologies into either small-world or scale-free. However, some fundamental problems remain unsolved. Specifically, what are the average shortest path length, degree distribution and clustering characteristics of MANETs? Do MANETs have small-world effect and scale-free property? In this work, the authors introduce complex networks theory into the context of MANET topology and study complex network properties of the MANETs to answer the above questions. The authors have theoretically analysed the degree distribution and clustering coefficient of MANETs and proposed approach to computing them. The degree distribution and clustering coefficient of MANETs are theoretically deduced from node space probability distribution on different mobility models (including but not limited to random waypoint model). Simulation results on average shortest path length, clustering coefficient and degree distribution show that in most cases MANETs do not have the small-world effect and scale-free property.


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