access icon free Study of the monte–carlo fault injection simulator to measure a fault derating

The SER of the selected circuits can be determined via radiation tests. However, the time and costs required to perform radiation tests are prohibitive. Here, the authors introduce an accelerated Monte–Carlo fault injection (MCFI) method that can solve the slow execution time problem of the previous MCFI method using a modified simulator that uses the Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI). To demonstrate the performance of authors’ accelerated MCFI tool, the authors perform a fault-injection campaign using the ISCAS85 and ITC99 benchmark circuits. Compared with the results from previous studies, the authors obtain an accurate logical derating rate value with a 3% variance, and the authors accelerate the execution time by 20 times or more.

Inspec keywords: hardware description languages; radiation detection; motion compensation; integrated circuit design; Monte Carlo methods; logic design; fault simulation; integrated circuit testing; logic testing

Other keywords: accelerated Monte–Carlo fault injection method; ITC99 benchmark circuits; MCFI method; accurate logical derating rate value; fault derating; ISCAS85; fault-injection campaign; selected circuits; radiation tests; slow execution time problem; Verilog procedural interface; modified simulator

Subjects: Logic and switching circuits; Monte Carlo methods; Monte Carlo methods; Reliability; Logic design methods; Logic circuits; Digital circuit design, modelling and testing

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