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A network of all sky imagers (ASI) enabling accurate and high-resolution very short-term forecasts of solar irradiance

A network of all sky imagers (ASI) enabling accurate and high-resolution very short-term forecasts of solar irradiance

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Inspec keywords: clouds; power grids; photovoltaic power systems; weather forecasting; solar radiation; solar power stations; lenses; load forecasting; power engineering computing; atmospheric techniques; solar power; sunlight; cameras

Subjects: Geophysics computing; Power engineering computing; Atmospheric, ionospheric and magnetospheric techniques and equipment; Optical lenses and mirrors; Cloud physics; Sunlight and atmospheric radiation; Instrumentation and techniques for geophysical, hydrospheric and lower atmosphere research; Solar power stations and photovoltaic power systems; Weather analysis and prediction; Power system planning and layout; Solar energy

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