Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to socio-technical changes and pandemics

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Editors: Ata M. Khan 1 ; Susan A. Shaheen 2
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Publication Year: 2021

Shared vehicles are a key part of any future intelligent and clean transport system, as they can allow for the sharing and potentially more efficient use of transport resources and fuel. Shared mobility has been gaining attention in the private and public sectors as a possible strategy for taming auto ownership, vehicle miles/kilometers traveled, and emissions. Serving as a source of information on how best to shape shared vehicle systems of the future, this book contributes knowledge on key facets of shared mobility. It includes shared vehicle systems as well as shared automated vehicle systems. Themes covered in the book include policy and regulatory frameworks, planning, design, technology, demand and supply models, algorithms, operations, management, economic factors, business models, social equity, environmental impacts, and pandemic effects. Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to socio-technical changes and pandemics comprehensively and systematically covers this important topic for an audience of researchers in academia and research institutes involved with intelligent transport systems and urban mobility. The book is also a valuable resource for public policy analysts, planners, system designers, system level technology developers, consultants, and students.

Inspec keywords: traffic engineering computing; intelligent transportation systems; socio-economic effects; electric vehicles; mobile robots; transportation; road vehicles; epidemics

Other keywords: pandemics; intelligent transportation systems; electric vehicles; road traffic control; socio-technical changes; automated vehicle; mobile robots; public transport; traffic engineering computing; transportation; road vehicles; socio-economic effects

Subjects: Mobile robots; Traffic engineering computing; Public administration; Road-traffic system control; Transportation; General and management topics; General electrical engineering topics; Education and training

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