Intelligent Wireless Communications

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Editors: George Mastorakis 1 ; Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis 2 ; Jordi Mongay Batalla 3 ; Evangelos Pallis 4
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Publication Year: 2021

The incredible growth in the development and use of wireless communication technologies has led to research in both academia and industry on artificial intelligence (AI) methods that enable intelligent technologies, smarter services and applications, business processes and social interactions to satisfy future requirements. AI mechanisms are being exploited in smart intelligent network applications to provide insights from collected data by identifying patterns and allowing operational predictions with higher accuracy in smaller time periods. The future of AI-powered wireless networking infrastructures depends on finding effective solutions to a number of technical challenges that such paradigms introduce, including better intelligent sensor capabilities, smarter big data analytics, automated remote data management, as well as open and secure processes. This book presents innovative research in emerging artificial intelligence methods for the processing, storing and analysing of large date sets generated by wireless communication infrastructures. It addresses major new technological developments, reflects on industry needs, current research trends and future directions. The authors focus on the development of AI-powered mechanisms for future wireless networking applications and architectures which will lead to more performant, resilient and valuable ecosystems and automated services. The book is aimed at researchers, engineers and scientists involved in the design and development of protocols and AI applications for wireless communication devices, and wireless networking technologies.

Inspec keywords: intelligent networks; Internet of Things; radio networks; telecommunication computing

Other keywords: QoS; IoMT; VANETs; smart communication; artificial intelligence; underwater communications; medical information communication; nonorthogonal multiple access; ARIMA; machine learning; discrete wavelet transform; jamming signal; IoT; security vulnerabilities; gain vector-based recursive least squares; MPLS protocol; intelligent agents system; smart interoperability public safety wireless network; downlink; electricity consumption; green energy harvesting protocols; damaged critical infrastructure; neural networks; security smart antenna; intelligent big data analytics; Intelligent Internet of things; intelligent wireless communication systems; blockchain systems; optical wireless communication

Subjects: General and management topics; Communications computing; General electrical engineering topics; Radio links and equipment; Computer networks and techniques; Intelligent networks; Computer communications

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