Machine Learning, Blockchain Technologies and Big Data Analytics for IoTs: Methods, technologies and applications

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Editors: Amit Kumar Tyagi 1 ; Ajith Abraham 2 ; Farookh Khadeer Hussain 3 ; Arturas Kaklauskas 4 ; R. Jagadeesh Kannan 1
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Publication Year: 2022

Internet of Things (IoTs) are now being integrated at a large scale in fast-developing applications such as healthcare, transportation, education, finance, insurance and retail. The next generation of automated applications will command machines to do tasks better and more efficiently. Both industry and academic researchers are looking at transforming applications using machine learning and deep learning to build better models and by taking advantage of the decentralized nature of Blockchain. But the advent of these new technologies also brings very high expectations to industries, organisations and users. The decrease of computing costs, the improvement of data integrity in Blockchain, and the verification of transactions using Machine Learning are becoming essential goals.

This edited book covers the challenges, opportunities, innovations, new concepts and emerging trends related to the use of machine learning, Blockchain and Big Data analytics for IoTs. The book is aimed at a broad audience of ICTs, data science, machine learning and cybersecurity researchers interested in the integration of these disruptive technologies and their applications for IoTs.

Inspec keywords: blockchains; decision making; Internet of Things; learning (artificial intelligence); health care

Other keywords: medical information systems; health care; Internet of Things; decision making; data analysis; blockchains; peer-to-peer computing; learning; data privacy; artificial intelligence

Subjects: Machine learning (artificial intelligence); General electrical engineering topics; Data security; Education and training; Mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing; Computer communications; Distributed databases; General and management topics

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