Understanding Radar Systems
2: Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
What is radar? What systems are currently in use? How do they work? Understanding Radar Systems provides engineers and scientists with answers to these critical questions, focusing on actual radar systems in use today. It's the perfect resource for those just entering the field or a quick refresher for experienced practitioners. The book leads readers through the specialized language and calculations that comprise the complex world of modern radar engineering as seen in dozens of state-of-the-art radar systems. The authors stress practical concepts that apply to all radar, keeping math to a minimum. Most of the book is based on real radar systems rather than theoretical studies. The result is a valuable, easy-to-use guide that makes the difficult parts of the field easier and helps readers do performance calculations quickly and easily.
Inspec keywords: radar
Other keywords: radar applications; electronic engineering; modern radar types; radar topic; modern radar principles; physics; handy reference; radar system performance
Subjects: Military detection and tracking systems; Radar and radionavigation; General electrical engineering topics
- Book DOI: 10.1049/SBRA034E
- Chapter DOI: 10.1049/SBRA034E
- ISBN: 9781891121050
- e-ISBN: 9781613531617
- Format: PDF
Front Matter
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1 Fundamentals
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Radar is used to detect the presence of an object and measure its position and speed. It is possible to make a swift estimate of the performance of a radar system using some formulae.
2 Designing a surveillance radar
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Radar surveillance can be improved through the use of narrow beams, but this may lead to there being more beam positions to be searched than is possible in the time available. Multibeam systems can help with this problem, but they put more pressure on the data processing activities, which are often already stretched, even with today's technology. The RCS of real targets fluctuates and its statistical nature must be taken into consideration if the radar detection performance is not to be overestimated. The problem of clutter and the need for sub-clutter visibility is often severe and leads to a need for doppler processing. Careful design of the transmitted waveform is needed to avoid range and/or doppler ambiguities.
3 Tracking radar
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Tracking radars are distinguished by their dedication to a target and the precision of their angle measurements. Angular estimation is achieved by comparing the echo in two adjacent beams; the problem of pulse-to-pulse variation in the echo amplitude (or phase) is overcome in monopulse radar by making the comparison simultaneously on each pulse. One of the main applications of tracking radar is the guidance of weapons systems.
4 Radar detection theory
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Target detection is a probabilistic idea; noise and clutter prevent us from being certain to find the targets we are looking for, and will normally present us with plenty of 'targets' we are not looking for. We can only define the probabilities of detection and of false alarm that we are prepared to live with. These determine the signal-to-noise ratio that is required for detection. Optimal detection performance is achieved by maximizing the SNR at the output of the receiver. The receiver that does this uses the correlation or matched filter principle. As long as a matched filter is being used, the form of the transmitted pulse is irrelevant for detection purposes. All that matters is the ratio of the signal energy to the noise power per unit bandwidth on input to the receiver. By developing expressions for the PDFs of signal plus noise and noise only, relatively straightforward calculations of detection and false-alarm probabilities can be carried out for single pulses. These become more complicated when fluctuating targets and multiple pulses need to be considered, so that graphical or numerical techniques are needed.
5 Signal and data processing
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The target detections that initiate a track must take advantage of whatever gains are possible in SNR, because viable radar systems must operate at very low false-alarm rates. Making use of doppler information is a crucial way of increasing the SNR. Once a track has been initiated, a variety of methods of increasing sophistication are possible to retain the track. All of them run into trouble as tracks become more complicated and the radar environment becomes more congested.
6 Designing radar waveforms
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Detection performance is optimized and range and doppler both improved by maximizing the SNR. Since this needs the pulse to have high energy, long pulses are required unless a very high power transmitter is available. Long pulses also permit good doppler accuracy, but, for simple pulses, give poor range accuracy. The system designer can avoid this apparent dilemma by using phase-modulated pulses. These can be constructed to give the large bandwidth that, after pulse compression, leads to good range accuracy. Whatever transmitted waveform is chosen, the resolution constraints imposed by the ambiguity function cannot be escaped. All that the designer can do is to attempt to move the significant areas of ambiguity into regions of the range-doppler plane where targets are unlikely to be present.
7 Secondary surveillance radar
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Secondary surveillance radar is partly a communication system between aircraft and air traffic controllers on the ground; a limited amount of information (aircraft height and flight identification number) is requested by an interrogator on the ground and automatically supplied by a transponder on the aircraft. In the future, this flow of information will increase. Secondary surveillance radar also acts as a radar system because the position of the aircraft is found by measuring the range (from the time delay between interrogation and reply) and the azimuth, as measured by an antenna on the ground. Many of the early problems with SSR have now been solved, and the system is in widespread use throughout the world.
8 Propagation aspects
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At low elevation angles, the propagation of radio waves is degraded by both atmospheric effects and scattering by the terrain. For many general-purpose surveillance requirements, the four-thirds earth approximation is a sufficiently good correction for atmospheric refraction (the strongest effect) and the other problems are ignored. When precision target tracking is required, all atmospheric effects have to be considered, and appropriate corrections made, based on local climatic information. The electron content of the ionosphere also causes attenuation and refraction effects, and a rotation of the plane of polarization. Radio waves passing through the ionosphere may suffer a form of scintillation that can affect space-borne earth-imaging radars.
9 Radar studies of the atmosphere
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From initially being a nuisance, the scattering of radar signals from the atmosphere has been turned into a useful, and expanding, research technique for the study of atmospheric physics and meteorology. Scattering occurs from discrete sources (rain, birds, etc.) and also from changes in the refractive index of the air, mainly caused by turbulence. Weather radars, investigating lower-atmosphere cloud physics and precipitation, operate at frequencies in S-band and above, but new VHF phased array radars have emerged as a tool for probing the atmosphere from 1 to 100 km altitude.
10 Over-the-horizon radar
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There are two forms of 0TH radar, surface-wave and skywave. Surface-wave systems are relatively inexpensive and have found applications in sea sensing (see next chapter), for the defence of localized areas against low-flying missiles and to some extent for monitoring ship traffic. Skywave radars are used to monitor very large areas of land and sea to search for air targets, ballistic missiles during launch phase and some types of surface target. They also have remote sensing capabilities, especially storm tracking and ocean wave monitoring. These radars are large, powerful, expensive and require sophisticated frequency management systems in order to operate via the ever-changing ionosphere.
11 Radar remote sensing
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The scattering behaviour of the earth's surface at radar wavelengths can provide useful information about many natural processes. Since most applications of remote sensing require large areas to be surveyed, HF radars provide the only useful ground-based systems. These are used for sea sensing. Extensive coverage can be provided by air-borne platforms. Scatterometers mounted on helicopters or aircraft, and air-borne side-looking radars and SARs are employed around the world for a wide range of applications. Perhaps the most exciting prospect is the new generation of space-borne radar instruments, which promise to be a major source of information on global-scale processes. Weather conditions have little effect on these instruments at the range of wavelengths employed (though ionospheric effects have to be allowed for in altimetry and SAR operation). This will allow reliable gathering of surface information, which cannot be guaranteed at optical wavelengths. Radar instruments can also provide information, such as the global wind field over the oceans, that is not available by other means. Much of this information, such as the global wind field or mean sea height, can be gathered at comparatively low spatial resolutions by scatterometry or altimetry (though high-resolution altimetry is attracting much current interest, and we can expect significant progress in the range of problems to which altimetry can be applied). For applications requiring high spatial resolution, SAR provides a possible answer, at the expense of increased system complexity (and cost!) and problems of data interpretation in the presence of speckle. With the launch of ERS-1 and other space-based radars throughout the 1990s, this decade should see major advances in understanding these techniques and their application to monitoring the earth's environment.
12 Ground-probing radar
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Ground-probing radar, also known as subsurface radar, is becoming an important subject. The number of applications for ground-probing radar is growing and the technology is beginning to be employed in other radar fields; for example, impulsive or carrier free radar, which is in widespread use for ground probing, is now being developed by the military for its anti-Stealth capabilities. Ground-probing radar is one of the few ways of inspecting geological features and locating hidden objects and structural flaws. The technique is not new, but it is only since the advent of fast digital processing and microprocessors that sufficient low-cost signal and data processing has been available to solve many of the problems raised by this type of radar.
13 Multistatic radar
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Bistatic and multistatic radars differ in a number of ways from equivalent monostatic systems. Some of the differences are unwanted and merely add to the system cost and engineering complexity, but others can be exploited to produce significant operational advantages. Perhaps the biggest single advantage of multistatic operation is the reduced vulnerability of the receiver to jamming or physical attack by anti-radiation missiles. Another big advantage, in the case of mobile systems, is that clutter tuning may be employed to increase the sensitivity of the system to slowly moving targets. A higher PRF can be used with bistatic radar than with monostatic, which also aids sub-clutter visibility. The original reason for the application of bistatic techniques in the 1920s, which was to isolate the receiver from the transmitter when CW waveforms were used, remains valid today and most large HF over-the-horizon radars have transmitters and receivers separated by over 100 km (see Chapter 10). These radars also follow the typical bistatic format of a single transmitter beam and several narrow receiver beams. The cost of multibeam receiving antennas, and other system complexities, means that multistatic radar will never replace monostatic radar in general usage, but in certain applications it remains a powerful technique.
14 Electronic warfare
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The very success of radar at detecting and tracking military targets means that it has become the target of electronic attack itself. As soon as a military radar system is turned on, its EM emissions will be detected unless it uses spread spectrum LPI techniques to evade detection. Any radar signals detected will be analysed by ESM receivers and an ECM strategy formulated; this may include the use of Stealth to reduce the RCS of the target. While electronic countermeasures are effective, and expensive to defend against using ECCM techniques, the balance at present probably resides on the side of radar, provided the waveforms are controlled intelligently.
15 Recent developments
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This brief review of recent developments in radar is intended to help you identify the key areas to study if you wish to pursue a career in modern radar. Phased array theory and high-resolution techniques are particularly important because of their use in other fields such as sonar.
16 The future of radar
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The future of radar does not lie in larger and more powerful systems, but rather in slightly smaller systems that are more agile, intelligent and difficult to detect because of the larger bandwidths that will be used. The resolution of radars, and the number of targets that can be tracked, can be expected to increase as large amounts of low-cost computer power become available. The factor limiting radar performance is likely to remain technology (rather than any law of physics) for some time to come. Until recently, it was the ability to process the large amounts of data that created an upper limit to performance, but with the advent of parallel processing the weakest link in the chain is almost certain to become the A/D converter because of the problem of increasing the sampling rate while maintaining a high dynamic range. The recent trend of moving the point at which the A/D conversion takes place further and further up the receiving chain towards the antenna only exacerbates this problem. Radar seems certain to provide challenging engineering, mathematical and computational problems to be solved for years to come. We hope that this book has conveyed the main ideas and helped you to understand the underlying principles of radar. We hope also that you have gained an appreciation of the importance of radar in many diverse areas, and sensed some of the excitement of working in this field.
Appendix I: Symbols, their meaning and SI units
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Appendix 1 provides an index of the basic symbols used within the text.
Appendix II: Acronyms and abbreviations
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Appendix 2 provides an index of acronyms and abbreviations used within the text.
Appendix III: Useful conversion factors
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This appendix is a list of useful conversion factors.
Appendix IV: Using decibels
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Decibels can be one of those little things that you get a mental block about. It is not that there is anything difficult about the maths, but rather the concept of handling voltage and power ratios in this way. However, it is worth learning to use decibels, because they make life so much easier for the radar engineer.
Appendix V: Solutions to problems
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This appendix supplies the solutions to the problems posed at the close of each chapter.
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