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Phased-Array Radar Design: Application of radar fundamentals

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Author(s): Thomas W. Jeffrey
Publication Year: 2009

Phased-Array Radar Design is a text-reference designed for electrical engineering graduate students in colleges and universities as well as for corporate in-house training programs for radar design engineers, especially systems engineers and analysts who would like to gain hands-on, practical knowledge and skills in radar design fundamentals, advanced radar concepts, trade-offs for radar design and radar performance analysis. This book is a concise yet complete treatment of the relationship between mission-level requirements and specific hardware and software requirements and capabilities. Although focusing on surface-based radars, the material is general enough to serve as a useful addition to books currently available for this purpose. It covers all phases of design and development, including the development of initial concepts and overall system requirements, system architecture, hardware and software subsystem requirements, detailed algorithms and system integration and test. This book provides a wealth of information rarely covered in one book. It is unique in that it provides a hands on and how to perspective on applying radar theory to design and analysis. Rather than being a theory and derivations-type, this book is applications-oriented making it different from other published works on this subject.

Inspec keywords: radar signal processing; radar detection; matched filters; search radar; military radar; radar tracking; interference suppression; phased array radar; missiles; sensor fusion

Other keywords: radar signal processing; search radar; air defense radar design; target classification; missile defense radar design; data association; radar fundamentals; interference suppression; radar target detection; radar tracking; phased array radar design; matched filtering; early warning radar design

Subjects: Radar equipment, systems and applications; Signal processing and detection; General electrical engineering topics; Electromagnetic compatibility and interference; Military detection and tracking systems

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