Foliage Penetration Radar: Detection and characterisation of objects under trees
This book covers all aspects of foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar, concentrating on both airborne military radar systems as well as earth resource mapping radars. It is the first concise and thorough treatment of FOPEN, covering the results of a decade-long investment by DARPA in characterizing foliage and earth surface with ultrawideband UHF and VHF synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Comparisons of the technologies for radar design and signal processing are presented, as are specific design approaches for transmitter design for operation in a dense radio frequency spectrum. Adaptive processing to remove the effects of radio and television signals from the system are also covered. In 10 years, FOPEN systems will find use in crop monitoring, land mine remediation, and creating digital maps under trees. This book will be the foundation for continued research for years to come both for radar and systems engineers in defense and earth resources companies. Government researchers, program managers and planners who have an interest in the unique capabilities of this radar technology, as well as university staff and faculty teaching radar and signal processing will find this book a critical part of their learning for years to come.
Inspec keywords: radar interference; synthetic aperture radar; target tracking; interference suppression; vegetation; search radar; radar imaging; military radar
Other keywords: radiofrequency interference suppression; foliage penetration radar; FOPEN ground moving target indication; bistatic FOPEN SAR; FOPEN SAR image formation; battlefield surveillance; FOPEN SAR design; FOPEN target detection; foliage penetration SAR collection system; FOPEN target characterization
Subjects: Electromagnetic compatibility and interference; Optical, image and video signal processing; Radar equipment, systems and applications; Radar and radiowave systems (military and defence); General electrical engineering topics
- Book DOI: 10.1049/SBRA007E
- Chapter DOI: 10.1049/SBRA007E
- ISBN: 9781891121005
- e-ISBN: 9781613531358
- Format: PDF
Front Matter
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1 History of Battlefield Surveillance
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This chapter discusses the history of battlefield surveillance radar, foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar, airborne radar, and synthetic aperture dual frequency radar. These early RADARs developed for foliage penetration were in response to military needs to find and locate insurgents in a severe tropical environment.
2 Foliage Penetration SAR Collection Systems
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Both the military and scientific imaging communities learned from the early foliage penetration (FOPEN) developmental RADAR systems operated in the late-1960 to mid-1970 time frame. Two important system realities affected the growth of the technology: foliage attenuation limited the systems to short-to-medium-range operation; and manned aircraft could not adequately be protected at these ranges. Remotely piloted vehicles (RPV; also known as unmanned air systems, or UAS, in today's vocabulary) were just starting to be developed. They would address the ability to collect data in hospitable environments. More importantly, the development of wideband data links would enable significant processing and image interpretation on the ground. By the late 1980s, the image collection community had determined that SAR could provide acceptable and useful detection and characterization forested regions. These SAR systems required small antennas and modest power; which was acceptable for experiments and might be possible on RPV installations. In 1988, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory started the AIRSAR program and flew a multiple-frequency SAR platform until 2004. At approximately the same time, several research groups started experimental FOPEN SAR systems, notably Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Sweden's Defence Research Agency (FOA).
3 Foliage Penetration Phenomena
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The development of foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar had a major resurgence in the early 1990s for both military and geoscience applications. A series of data collections was carried out starting in 1990 as a risk reduction for the development of a more reliable FOPEN synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system. Several government laboratories including NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Sweden's Defence Research Establishment (FOA), US Army Research Laboratory (ARL), US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and the US Naval Air Development Center (NADC) initiated these collections for both scientific and system technology objectives. A combination of instrumentation collection platforms and airborne brassboard radars were used to obtain data on surface clutter, foliage scattering losses, and the ability to detect objects and terrain features in forested regions. However, it was deemed to be very important that accurate instrumentation and calibration targets be included in the test to characterize the target and clutter phenomena toward the development of operational and commercial radar systems. To this end, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored MIT Lincoln Laboratory to set up and maintain the scientific and analytic standards. These capabilities would provide the community with a reliable understanding of these measurements' influence on new systems applications.
4 FOPEN SAR Image Formation
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The principal objective in this chapter is to develop the primary concepts that affect the design of the ultra wideband (UWB) SAR RADAR image formation processing. UWB waveforms required for operation at very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) remain a major challenge for FOPEN SAR. All subsystems that contribute to the transmit, receive, and image formation chain must consider their UWB characteristics for the images to be useful in detection, characterization, and geolocation of the objects under the foliage. This chapter will discuss the algorithms for image formation.
5 Radio Frequency Interference Suppression
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Section 3.8 presented the problem of the radio frequency interference (RFI) environment in ultra wideband (UWB) radar operation from the standpoint of background clutter. This chapter will cover the significant design factors needed to operate a foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar, in either synthetic aperture radar (SAR) or ground moving target indicator (GMTI) modes, and under most operational conditions. Because of the worldwide regulation of the RF spectrum for telecommunications and active sensing operation, it is necessary to accommodate the limits that are imposed on power spectral density for transmission of the FOPEN UWB waveform. Equally as important is the need to remove the dense, high-power transmissions that will be intercepted by the wide beamwidth SAR antenna and that affect the dynamic range of the signal received by the SAR and the image formation processing.
6 FOPEN Target Detection and Characterization
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This paper provides a summary of the major advances in the ability of RADAR to detect objects under foliage with sufficient characterization for scientific and tactical applications. Because of the spiky nature of foliage penetration clutter and the propagation losses through foliage, the concept of probability of detection and false alarm from microwave radars needs to be reexamined. Specific areas of RADAR research to improve foliage penetration (FOPEN) synthetic aperture RADAR (SAR) target detection include the uses of polarization diversity and change detection along with their impact on the image formation processing. Target characterization includes techniques to discriminate man-made from natural objects by using polarization and image morphological filtering. The paper starts with a short discussion of the image formation processing chain for efficient target detection. The details of image formation and a consideration of radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation processing was given. However, it is instructive to look at the whole image formation, target detection, and feature characterization chain to understand the importance of polarimetry and change detection.
7 FOPEN SAR Design
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This chapter will present the major system design of a tactical foliage penetration (FOPEN) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that could be built with emerging technology. It will go through the steps of the concept of operations (CONOPS) of FOPEN SAR with high area coverage rates (ACRs) and with focused attention for more accurate target detection and characterization. The radar power-aperture product can be chosen, given a standoff range and characteristics of the foliage and targets, to meet the requisite resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) requirements. Next, guidelines will be summarized for the subsystem specifications, the grazing angle and receiver dynamic range for minimizing the foliage loss and RFI effects, and several modes to meet the CONOPs requirements.
8 FOPEN Ground Moving Target Indication
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This paper will detail the approach for detecting moving targets in ultra high frequency (UHF) FOPEN systems. It is well known that a moving platform provides competing clutter spread in Doppler that masks all but the very fast ground targets. Moving target detection RADARs have been developed at UHF for detecting airborne targets. For ground moving target detection, the competing ground clutter can be canceled by adaptive processing and multiple antenna phase centers. However, a very large antenna is required at UHF to provide both accurate target location and to minimize the clutter masking of targets. These requirements will be explored in terms of the ability to achieve an acceptable minimum discernable velocity (MDV) and their impact on the RADAR design.
9 Bistatic FOPEN SAR
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This chapter has illustrated the advantages of a bistatic FOPEN SAR receiver working in concert with a tethered airborne GMTI radar illuminator. The potential for moderate resolution SAR operation is made possible by the shortrange, higher angular rate collection of a bistatic adjunct receiver. Issues of platform motion are evaluated based on a detailed pulse-by-pulse simulation of a large scene, with impact of foliage scattering and loss and target separation. By placing patterns of targets in the scene, the ability to resolve targets in two cardinal planes is provided. Clearly, the collection geometry of a SAR receiver must be fully understood to provide for desired signal to clutter and resolution. In summary, a bistatic adjunct receiver can provide detection of fixed targets by using the GMTI RADAR waveform. The operation closer to the target area on a small UAV will give increase in system sensitivity and resolution over the monostatic platform. More importantly, both the GMTI RADAR and fixed target surveillance can be obtained with a single waveform. Future analysis is required on the synchronization and direct path radiation from the GMTI radar platform to the UAV and the effect of volumetric clutter on the fixed target detection. This is especially true in a dense radiofrequency interference (RFI) environment. Bistatic operation can definitely provide improvement in system operational capability.
Back Matter
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