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Bistatic Radar (2nd Edition)

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Author(s): Nicholas J. Willis 1
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Publication Year: 2004

This is the only English language book on bistatic radar. It starts with James Casper's fine chapter in the first edition of Skolnik's Radar Handbook (1970), capturing previously unpublished work before 1970. It then summarizes and codifies subsequent bistatic radar research and development, especially as catalogued in the special December 1986 IEE journal. It defines and resolves many issues and controversies plaguing bistatic radar, including predicted performance, monostatic equivalence, bistatic radar cross section and resolution, bistatic Doppler, hitchhiking, SAR, ECM/ECCM, and, most importantly, the utility of bistatic radars. The text provides a history of bistatic systems that points out to potential designers, the applications that have worked and the dead-ends not worth pursuing. The text reviews the basic concepts and definitions, and explains the mathematical development of relationships, such as geometry, Ovals of Cassini, dynamic range, isorange and isodoppler contours, target doppler, and clutter doppler spread.

Inspec keywords: radar resolution; synthetic aperture radar; electronic countermeasures; Doppler radar; radar cross-sections

Other keywords: bistatic Doppler radar; monosatic equivalence; radar resolution; bistatic radar; bistatic radar cross-section; SAR; ECM-ECCM

Subjects: Radar equipment, systems and applications; Electronic warfare

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