Radar, Sonar and Navigation
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Advanced Radar Techniques and Systems
- Editor: Gaspare Galati
- Publication Year: 1993
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Within the wide and fascinating field of radar techniques and systems, this book describes in detail a number of areas of research related to system architecture and design, phenomenology, array antennas and signal processing. The topics covered include: radar detection; phenomenology of clutter and related constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processors; Doppler techniques for surveillance radar, multifunction radar and synthetic aperture radar; clutter suppression: moving target indicators and detectors, adaptive and optimum MTI (moving target indication); rejection of jamming in space and frequency domains; concepts of radar target identification; architectural options and trend in radar signal processing; phased arrays (array theory, analysis and synthesis techniques; array elements and mutual coupling effects; architecture, elements, design criteria and low-sidelobe techniques for active arrays); bistatic radar; and space-based radar. The book is primarily aimed at radar engineers and researchers, as well as at students of advanced radar.
Advanced Sparsity-Driven Models and Methods for Radar Applications
- Author(s): Gang Li
- Publication Year: 2020
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This book introduces advanced sparsity-driven models and methods and their applications in radar tasks such as detection, imaging and classification. Compressed sensing (CS) is one of the most active topics in the signal processing area. By exploiting and promoting the sparsity of the signals of interest, CS offers a new framework for reducing data without compromising the performance of signal recovery, or for enhancing resolution without increasing measurements. An introductory chapter outlines the fundamentals of sparse signal recovery. The following topics are then systematically and comprehensively addressed: hybrid greedy pursuit algorithms for enhancing radar imaging quality; two-level block sparsity model for multichannel radar signals; parametric sparse representation for radar imaging with model uncertainty; Poisson-disk sampling for high-resolution and wide-swath SAR imaging; when advanced sparse models meet coarsely quantized radar data; sparsity-aware micro-Doppler analysis for radar target classification; and distributed detection of sparse signals in radar networks via locally most powerful test. Finally, a concluding chapter summarises key points from the preceding chapters and offers concise perspectives. The book focuses on how to apply the CS-based models and algorithms to solve practical problems in radar, for the radar and signal processing research communities.
Advances in Bistatic Radar
- Editors: Nicholas J. Willis; Hugh D. Griffiths
- Publication Year: 2007
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Advances in Bistatic Radar updates and extends bistatic and multistatic radar developments since the publication of Willis' Bistatic Radar in 1991. New and recently declassified military applications are documented, civil applications are detailed including commercial and scientific systems and leading radar engineers provide expertise to each of these applications. Advances in Bistatic Radar consists of two major sections: Bistatic/Multistatic Radar Systems and Bistatic Clutter and Signal Processing. Starting with a history update, the first section documents the early and now declassified military AN/FPS-23 Fluttar DEW-Line Gap-filler, and high frequency (HF) bistatic radars developed for missile attack warning. It then documents the recently developed passive bistatic and multistatic radars exploiting commercial broadcast transmitters for military and civilian air surveillance. Next, the section documents scientific bistatic radar systems for planetary exploration, which have exploited data link transmitters over the last forty years; ionospheric measurements, again exploiting commercial broadcast transmitters; and 3-D wind field measurements using a bistatic receiver hitchhiking off doppler weather radars. This last application has been commercialized. The second section starts by documenting the full, unclassified bistatic clutter scattering coefficient data base, along with the theory and analysis supporting its development. The section then details two major clutter-related developments, spotlight bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which can now generate high resolution images using bistatic autofocus and related techniques; and adaptive moving target indication (MTI), which allows cancellation of nonstationary clutter generated by moving (i.e. airborne) platforms through the use of bistatic space-time adaptive processing (STAP).
Advances in Weather Radar. Volume 1: Precipitation sensing platforms
- Editors: V.N. Bringi; Kumar Vijay Mishra; Merhala Thurai
- Publication Year: 2023
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After nearly 50 years of sustained research and 30 years of operational deployment, research in weather radars has witnessed tremendous growth over the past decade and is now spilling over to novel applications and geographies. This book provides a systematic and thorough review of advances in research, developments, and technologies in the field.
A truly comprehensive collection in 3 volumes, Advances in Weather Radar has been developed by three expert editors and written by senior researchers from academia, research laboratories, and national weather agencies. Every chapter has been reviewed by the editors and an external reviewer to ensure quality and accuracy.
The key elements for understanding weather radar are covered, from the fundamental science and engineering to signal processing, electromagnetics, and applications. Special attention is given to dual-polarization radar because of its important applications in rainfall measurement, in elucidating details of cloud physical processes, classification of meteorological and non-meteorological echo types, the validation and evaluation of bulk microphysical schemes that predict number density and mixing ratio, and radar hydrology among other more recent applications.
Volume 1: Precipitation sensing platforms begins with a historical overview of the last decade focusing on the key technical and scientific ideas that have propelled the field forward, and goes on to address major advances in designing, operating, and deploying weather radars across the globe. Volume 2: Precipitation science, scattering, and processing algorithms considers theoretical milestones achieved in microphysics, electromagnetics, and signal processing of radar meteorology. Volume 3: Emerging applications includes applications of weather radars in novel as well as non-meteorological applications.
These edited volumes are intended to be useful to graduate students, radar systems designers, high-level managers of national meteorological services, and other research scientists who need to delve deeper into specific topics that cannot be found elsewhere.
Advances in Weather Radar. Volume 2: Precipitation science, scattering and processing algorithms
- Editors: V.N. Bringi; Kumar Vijay Mishra; Merhala Thurai
- Publication Year: 2023
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After nearly 50 years of sustained research and 30 years of operational deployment, research in weather radars has witnessed tremendous growth over the past decade and is now spilling over to novel applications and geographies. This book provides a systematic and thorough review of advances in research, developments, and technologies in the field.
A truly comprehensive collection in 3 volumes, Advances in Weather Radar has been developed by three expert editors and written by senior researchers from academia, research laboratories, and national weather agencies. Every chapter has been reviewed by the editors and an external reviewer to ensure quality and accuracy.
The key elements for understanding weather radar are covered, from the fundamental science and engineering to signal processing, electromagnetics, and applications. Special attention is given to dual-polarization radar because of its important applications in rainfall measurement, in elucidating details of cloud physical processes, classification of meteorological and non-meteorological echo types, the validation and evaluation of bulk microphysical schemes that predict number density and mixing ratio, and radar hydrology among other more recent applications.
Volume 1: Precipitation sensing platforms begins with a historical overview of the last decade focusing on the key technical and scientific ideas that have propelled the field forward, and goes on to address major advances in designing, operating, and deploying weather radars across the globe. Volume 2: Precipitation science, scattering, and processing algorithms considers theoretical milestones achieved in microphysics, electromagnetics, and signal processing of radar meteorology. Volume 3: Emerging applications includes applications of weather radars in novel as well as non-meteorological applications.
These edited volumes are intended to be useful to graduate students, radar systems designers, high-level managers of national meteorological services, and other research scientists who need to delve deeper into specific topics that cannot be found elsewhere.
Airborne Early Warning System Concepts
- Editor: Maurice W. Long
- Publication Year: 2004
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Supported by 202 equations and 170 illustrations, Airborne Early Warning System Concepts is an invaluable reference tool for a wide audience. It will be a welcome library addition for the engineer, scientist, system integrator, user, designer, or manager with interest in AEW concepts. It is also suitable for students and professors of electrical and system engineering or military science. This comprehensive discussion of airborne early warning (AEW) system concepts encompasses a wide range of issues, including capabilities and limitations, developmental trends and opportunities for improvement. Consisting of contributions from experts in the field, the book is presented at varying levels of complexity, ranging from elementary to advanced. For the generalist, the text provides a fundamental understanding of the status of AEW concepts with the use of only elementary mathematics. For the specialist, there are separate chapters that emphasize key AEW radar issues.
Angle-of-Arrival Estimation Using Radar Interferometry: Methods and Applications
- Author(s): E. Jeff Holder
- Publication Year: 2013
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Radar interferometers provide a cost-effective radar architecture to achieve enhanced angle accuracy for enhanced target tracking. Presenting a comprehensive understanding of various radar interferometer architectures, Angle of Arrival Estimation Using Radar Interferometry aims to quantify interferometer angle estimation accuracy by developing a general understanding of various radar interferometer architectures and presenting a comprehensive understanding of the effects of radar-based measurement errors on angle-of-arrival estimation. The interferometer architectures described include a basic digital interferometer, a monopulse interferometer, an orthogonal interferometer and signal processing algorithms. By exploring interferometry and beyond, this book offers a unique perspective and an in depth look at the derivation of angle error equations for a radar interferometer as affected not only by additive noise but by other error effects such as multipath, glint, and spectral distortion. As such this book is primarily directed toward tracking radars but will also discuss imaging applications as well.
Applications of Space-Time Adaptive Processing
- Editor: R. Klemm
- Publication Year: 2004
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This book provides a unique overview of the broad field of space-time processing and is divided into two parts: the first dealing with the classical adaptive suppression of airbourne and spacebased radar clutter, and the second comprimising miscellanous applications in other fields such as communications, underwater sounds and seismics.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Design and practice
- Editor: Frank Ehlers
- Publication Year: 2020
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The recent development of advanced processing capabilities and higher yield power supplies means that Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUVs) are finding novel and increasingly advanced applications in research, military and commercial settings. This timely book provides a state-of-the-art overview of AUV design and practice. Focusing on the interplay between design and practice, it comprehensively covers control and navigation, communication and cooperation, and methodologies and applications where AUVs are used for education, research, biological and oceanographic studies, surveillance purposes, and military, security, and industrial tasks. The book covers key concepts for maritime engineers and navigation researchers and professionals, and is a useful reference for control and robotics researchers working on AUVs.
Aviation Cybersecurity: Foundations, principles, and applications
- Editors: Houbing Song; Abdullah Hopkinson; Tomaso De Cola; Tom Alexandrovich; Dahai Liu
- Publication Year: 2021
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Aircraft are becoming increasingly reliant on computing and networking technologies, with the advent of the Internet of Things, but this makes them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This multidisciplinary book is at the cross section of aircraft systems, cybersecurity, and defence technologies. It covers the very latest in defending military and commercial aircraft against cyber-attacks. The interdisciplinary nature of aviation cybersecurity and its wide-ranging impact in various arenas require contributions of expertise from multiple disciplines to collaborate in identifying the most feasible ways forward. This book provides an understanding of the key technical, social and legal issues in aviation cybersecurity, explains the range of technical challenges involved, and proposes innovative solutions. Aviation Cybersecurity: Foundations, principles, and applications is a valuable resource for aviation and cybersecurity researchers and professionals in academia, industry, and military organisations.
Aviation weather surveillance systems: advanced radar and surface sensors for flight safety and air traffic management
- Author(s): Pravas R. Mahapatra
- Publication Year: 1999
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Focusing on radar-based surveillance, this book has been written to provide a comprehensive introduction to the science, sensors and systems that form modern aviation weather surveillance systems.
Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature
- Editors: Alessio Balleri; Hugh Griffiths; Chris Baker
- Publication Year: 2017
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Nature presents examples of active sensing which are unique, sophisticated and incredibly fascinating. There are animals that sense the environment actively, for example through echolocation, which have evolved their capabilities over millions of years and that, as a result of evolution, have developed unique in-built sensing mechanisms that are often the envy of synthetic systems. This book presents some of the recent work that has been carried out to investigate how sophisticated sensing techniques used in nature can be applied to radar and sonar systems to improve their performance. Topics covered include biosonar inspired signal processing and acoustic imaging from echolocating bats; enhanced range resolution: comparison with the matched filter; air-coupled sonar systems inspired by bat echolocation; analysis of acoustic echoes from bat-pollinated plants; the biosonar arms race between bats and insects; biologically inspired coordination of guidance and adaptive radiated waveform for interception and rendezvous problems; cognitive sensor/ processor system framework for target tracking; the biosonar of the Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins; human echolocation; and polarization tensors and object recognition in weakly electric fish. Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar is essential reading for radar and sonar practitioners in academia and research, governmental and industrial organisations, engineers working in signal processing and sensing, and those with an underlying interest in the interaction between natural sciences and engineering.
Bistatic Radar
- Author(s): Nicholas J. Willis
- Publication Year: 2004
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This is the only English language book on bistatic radar. It starts with James Casper's fine chapter in the first edition of Skolnik's Radar Handbook (1970), capturing previously unpublished work before 1970. It then summarizes and codifies subsequent bistatic radar research and development, especially as catalogued in the special December 1986 IEE journal. It defines and resolves many issues and controversies plaguing bistatic radar, including predicted performance, monostatic equivalence, bistatic radar cross section and resolution, bistatic Doppler, hitchhiking, SAR, ECM/ECCM, and, most importantly, the utility of bistatic radars. The text provides a history of bistatic systems that points out to potential designers, the applications that have worked and the dead-ends not worth pursuing. The text reviews the basic concepts and definitions, and explains the mathematical development of relationships, such as geometry, Ovals of Cassini, dynamic range, isorange and isodoppler contours, target doppler, and clutter doppler spread.
Deep Neural Network Design for Radar Applications
- Editor: Sevgi Zubeyde Gurbuz
- Publication Year: 2020
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Novel deep learning approaches are achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in the area of radar target recognition, enabling applications beyond the scope of human-level performance. This book provides an introduction to the unique aspects of machine learning for radar signal processing that any scientist or engineer seeking to apply these technologies ought to be aware of. The book begins with three introductory chapters on radar systems and phenomenology, machine learning principles, and optimization for training common deep neural network (DNN) architectures. Subsequently, the book summarizes radar-specific issues relating to the different domain representations in which radar data may be presented to DNNs and synthetic data generation for training dataset augmentation. Further chapters focus on specific radar applications, which relate to DNN design for micro-Doppler analysis, SAR-based automatic target recognition, radar remote sensing, and emerging fields, such as data fusion and image reconstruction. Edited by an acknowledged expert, and with contributions from an international team of authors, this book provides a solid introduction to the fundamentals of radar and machine learning, and then goes on to explore a range of technologies, applications and challenges in this developing field. This book is also a valuable resource for both radar engineers seeking to learn more about deep learning, as well as computer scientists who are seeking to explore novel applications of machine learning. In an era where the applications of RF sensing are multiplying by the day, this book serves as an easily accessible primer on the nuances of deep learning for radar applications.
Digital Techniques for Wideband Receivers
- Author(s): James B. Tsui
- Publication Year: 2004
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This newly updated, second edition of Digital Techniques for Wideband Receivers is a current, comprehensive design guide for your digital processing work with today's complex receiver systems. Brand new material brings you up-to-date with the latest information on wideband electronic warfare receivers, the ADC testing procedure, frequency channelization and decoding schemes, and the operation of monobit receivers. The book shows you how to effectively evaluate ADCs, offers insight on building electronic warfare receivers, and describes zero crossing techniques that are critical to new receiver design. From fundamental concepts and procedures to recent technology advances in digital receivers, you get practical solutions to all your demanding wideband receiver problems. This hands-on reference is packed with 1,103 equations and 315 illustrations that support key topics covered throughout the book.
Electronic Warfare Pocket Guide
- Author(s): David L. Adamy
- Publication Year: 2011
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The Electronic Warfare Pocket Guide is the perfect companion for any user that needs to access key definitions, concepts, and equations for their work in the field, lab, or even in military theater of operations. While this concise guide fits in almost any pocket, it packs a real punch by providing users the answers to real world electronic warfare problems that come up every day in concept development, technique development, system design, system testing, operational testing, mission planning and operations. It is especially useful (if combined with training) for members of the military who are in combat and need to use EW techniques to counter missile-strikes, improvised explosive devices, and other threats. This booklet could usefully go into the pocket of every pilot, sailor, soldier and marine.
Foliage Penetration Radar: Detection and characterisation of objects under trees
- Author(s): Mark E. Davis
- Publication Year: 2011
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This book covers all aspects of foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar, concentrating on both airborne military radar systems as well as earth resource mapping radars. It is the first concise and thorough treatment of FOPEN, covering the results of a decade-long investment by DARPA in characterizing foliage and earth surface with ultrawideband UHF and VHF synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Comparisons of the technologies for radar design and signal processing are presented, as are specific design approaches for transmitter design for operation in a dense radio frequency spectrum. Adaptive processing to remove the effects of radio and television signals from the system are also covered. In 10 years, FOPEN systems will find use in crop monitoring, land mine remediation, and creating digital maps under trees. This book will be the foundation for continued research for years to come both for radar and systems engineers in defense and earth resources companies. Government researchers, program managers and planners who have an interest in the unique capabilities of this radar technology, as well as university staff and faculty teaching radar and signal processing will find this book a critical part of their learning for years to come.
Fundamentals of Ground Radar for Air Traffic Control Engineers and Technicians
- Author(s): Ronald Bouwman
- Publication Year: 2009
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This is a standard reference for FAA and military air traffic control engineers and maintenance technicians focused on ground-based radar systems. With the evolution and increasing sophistication of modern radar systems, now more than ever a single-source reference is needed that contains simply understandable information on MTI, MTD, and Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon systems. There is a downside to the drive away from knowledge-based problem solving...massive increases in costs and waste inherent in the idea of lowest replaceable units. Fewer technicians are expected to manage more systems while knowing less about their equipment. This unique training and reference text will not only provide answers for day-to-day tasks, it will also help allay cost increases and waste.
Fundamentals of Inertial Navigation Systems and Aiding
- Author(s): Michael Braasch
- Publication Year: 2022
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The aim of this book is to provide an advanced introduction to inertial data processing (determination of attitude, velocity and position) along with design architectures and algorithms used to aid the inertial navigation system (INS). The emphasis is on the high-end sensors and systems used in aerospace applications (known as 'navigation grade' or 'nav grade').
The subject of inertial navigation systems and how to aid them (reduce their inherent error drift) is complex and multi-disciplinary. Mathematics and physics along with electrical, mechanical and software engineering all are involved. This book has been written to serve as an introduction for students and those new to the field. Specialized topics such as rotation matrices, quaternions and relevant stochastic processes are covered in the book. The reader is expected to have a basic understanding of vectors, matrices and matrix multiplication as well as freshman-level differential and integral calculus.
The basics of inertial position/velocity/attitude updating are first presented with respect to a conceptually simple inertially-fixed reference frame before the impact of the spheroidal rotating earth is covered. Similarly, the key concepts of the Kalman filter are first presented in the context of a scalar filter. Important aspects of the prediction error covariance and Kalman gain equations are thus covered in an intuitive sense before the full matrix formulations are described. By the end of the book, a thorough treatment of modern aided-INS architectures is provided.
Ground Penetrating Radar
- Editor: David J. Daniels
- Publication Year: 2004
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The book will help users to assess the potential of the technique and currently avaliable technology and to apply them effectively.