Communication, Control and Security Challenges for the Smart Grid

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Editors: S. M. Muyeen 1 ; Saifur Rahman 2
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Publication Year: 2017

The Smart Grid is a modern electricity grid allowing for distributed, renewable intermittent generation, partly owned by consumers. This requires advanced control and communication technologies in order to provide high quality power supply and secure generation, transmission and distribution. This book outlines these emerging technologies. Topics covered include an introduction to smart grid architecture; smart grid communications and standards; measurement and sensing devices for smart grids; smart transmission and wide area monitoring system; bad data detection in smart grids; optimal energy management in smart grids; communication and control for the smart grid; smart consumer systems; importance of energy storage systems in smart grids; control and optimization for integration of plug-in vehicles in smart grids; multi-agent based control of smart grids; compressive sensing for smart grid security and reliability; optimum placement of FACTS devices in smart grids; security analysis of smart grid; and smart grid security policies and regulations. With contributions from prominent researchers in the fields of computer, communication, and power engineering this book is essential reading for researchers in power grids, as well as for advanced students and practitioners.

Inspec keywords: energy management systems; power system measurement; smart power grids; multi-agent systems; compressed sensing; power system security; power system control; flexible AC transmission systems

Other keywords: optimal energy management; smart grid security policies; smart grid communications; FACTS devices; smart transmission system; high quality power supply; plug-in vehicles; smart grid control; modern electricity grid; sensing devices; compressive sensing; energy storage systems; multiagent based control; wide area monitoring system; bad data detection; smart consumer systems

Subjects: General electrical engineering topics; Power system control; Power system measurement and metering; Power system protection; Power system management, operation and economics

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