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Exploring Intelligent Healthcare with Quantum Computing

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Editors: Abhishek Kumar 1 ; Ashutosh Kumar Dubey 2 ; Vincenzo Piuri 3 ; Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues 4
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Publication Year: 2024

Classical computers encode information in binary bits that can either be 0s or 1s. In a quantum computer, the basic unit of memory is a quantum bit or qubit. These qubits play a similar role in terms of storing information, but use physical systems, such as the spin of an electron or the orientation of a photon, to do so. In situations where there are a large number of possible feature combinations, quantum computers can consider them simultaneously, speeding up the data processing time.

In healthcare, where there are often large numbers of possible factors to consider, quantum computers can address them simultaneously, thereby allowing doctors to compare much, much more data, and all permutations of that data, in parallel to discover the best patterns that describe it, and therefore predict the best treatment options.

This edited book explores the field of quantum computing and machine learning for medical data processing, and is a useful resource for computer engineers, researchers, healthcare technologists and scientists specialising in quantum computing, quantum AI, data processing, deep learning, machine learning, smart healthcare, and medical data systems.

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