Advances in Telemedicine for Health Monitoring: Technologies, Design and Applications

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Editors: Tarik A. Rashid 1 ; Chinmay Chakraborty 2 ; Kym Fraser 3
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Publication Year: 2020

Advances in telemedicine technologies have offered clinicians greater levels of real-time guidance and technical assistance for diagnoses, monitoring, operations or interventions from colleagues based in remote locations. The topic includes the use of videoconferencing, mentorship during surgical procedures, or machine-to-machine communication to process data from one location by programmes running in another. This edited book presents a variety of technologies with applications in telemedicine, originating from the fields of biomedical sensors, wireless sensor networking, computer-aided diagnosis methods, signal and image processing and analysis, automation and control, virtual and augmented reality, multivariate analysis, and data acquisition devices. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), surgical robots, telemonitoring, and teleoperation systems are also explored, as well as the associated security and privacy concerns in this field. Topics covered include critical factors in the development, implementation and evaluation of telemedicine; surgical tele-mentoring; technologies in medical information processing; recent advances of signal/image processing techniques in healthcare; a real-time ECG processing platform for telemedicine applications; data mining in telemedicine; social work and telemental health services for rural and remote communities; applying telemedicine to social work practice and education; advanced telemedicine systems for remote healthcare monitoring; the impact of tone-mapping operators and viewing devices on visual quality of experience of colour and grey-scale HDR images; modelling the relationships between changes in EEG features and subjective quality of HDR images; IoMT and healthcare delivery in chronic diseases; and transform domain robust watermarking method using Riesz wavelet transform for medical data security and privacy.

Inspec keywords: medical signal processing; telemedicine; public administration; Internet of Things; medical image processing; wavelet transforms; data mining; image watermarking

Other keywords: remote community social work; tele-mental health services; grey-scale HDR images; transform domain robust watermarking method; medical information processing; medical data privacy; medical data security; Internet of Medical Things; viewing devices; colour HDR images; chronic diseases; surgical tele-mentoring; real-time telemedicine ECG-processing; tone-mapping operators; telemedicine development; visual quality; Riesz wavelet transform; EEG features; healthcare signal processing; social work practice; data mining

Subjects: Textbooks; Biology and medical computing; Digital signal processing; Biomedical communication; Biomedical measurement and imaging; General electrical engineering topics; Computer vision and image processing techniques; Image and video coding; Signal processing and detection; Knowledge engineering techniques; General and management topics; Medical and biomedical uses of fields, radiations, and radioactivity; health physics; Patient diagnostic methods and instrumentation

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