Healthcare Technologies
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Active and Assisted Living: Technologies and Applications
- Editors: Francisco Florez-Revuelta; Alexandros Andre Chaaraoui
- Publication Year: 2016
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Active and Assisted Living (AAL) systems aim at improving the quality of life and supporting independent and healthy living of older or impaired people by using a distributed network of sensors and actuators to create a ubiquitous technological layer, able to interact transparently with the users, observing and interpreting their actions and intentions, learning their preferences and adjusting the parameters of the system to improve their quality of life and work. This book provides a comprehensive review of the technologies and applications for AAL. Topics covered include the current state of the art of smart environments and labs from an AAL point of view; ambient and wearable sensors for human health monitoring; computer vision for active and assisted living; data fusion for identifying lifestyle patterns; interoperable enhanced living environments; reasoning systems for AAL; person-environment interaction; data analytics for enabling connected health; human gait analysis for frailty detection; fall prevention and detection; supporting activities of daily living; outdoor mobility assistance; location and orientation technologies based on WiFi systems; health, wellbeing and engagement in life through AAL; tablet-based clinical decision support system for hospitalised older adults; smart, age-friendly cities and communities; privacy and ethical issues; and human-centred design. The book concludes with a case study on the design and implementation of a smart home technological platform for the delivery of AAL services. With a wide range of chapters from international contributors, this book is essential reading for researchers and students in academics and industry developing AAL technologies, healthcare practitioners, and engineers with an interest in the field.
Advances in Telemedicine for Health Monitoring: Technologies, Design and Applications
- Editors: Tarik A. Rashid; Chinmay Chakraborty; Kym Fraser
- Publication Year: 2020
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Advances in telemedicine technologies have offered clinicians greater levels of real-time guidance and technical assistance for diagnoses, monitoring, operations or interventions from colleagues based in remote locations. The topic includes the use of videoconferencing, mentorship during surgical procedures, or machine-to-machine communication to process data from one location by programmes running in another. This edited book presents a variety of technologies with applications in telemedicine, originating from the fields of biomedical sensors, wireless sensor networking, computer-aided diagnosis methods, signal and image processing and analysis, automation and control, virtual and augmented reality, multivariate analysis, and data acquisition devices. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), surgical robots, telemonitoring, and teleoperation systems are also explored, as well as the associated security and privacy concerns in this field. Topics covered include critical factors in the development, implementation and evaluation of telemedicine; surgical tele-mentoring; technologies in medical information processing; recent advances of signal/image processing techniques in healthcare; a real-time ECG processing platform for telemedicine applications; data mining in telemedicine; social work and telemental health services for rural and remote communities; applying telemedicine to social work practice and education; advanced telemedicine systems for remote healthcare monitoring; the impact of tone-mapping operators and viewing devices on visual quality of experience of colour and grey-scale HDR images; modelling the relationships between changes in EEG features and subjective quality of HDR images; IoMT and healthcare delivery in chronic diseases; and transform domain robust watermarking method using Riesz wavelet transform for medical data security and privacy.
Affective Computing Applications using Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Methods, approaches and challenges in system design
- Editor: M. Murugappan
- Publication Year: 2024
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Affective computing is the study and development of systems and devices that can recognise human emotions. This can be done using sensing technologies and AI algorithms to process biological signals or facial images to identify the different affective states, such as happiness, anger, fear, surprise, sadness and disgust. This non-invasive technique has applications in healthcare such as emotional impairment detection, mental health assessment, emotional stress assessment, cognitive decline detection, attention deficit disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, neurological disorders, autism spectrum disorder, stress, anxiety or other behavioural assessment.
This edited book provides an overview of the ongoing research on affective computing applications in healthcare using AI and IoT. This book covers recent advancements in computing technology, modelling methods, frameworks, and algorithms used for human affect detection using bio-signal and image processing methods.
The book explores the use of EEG signals, thermal imaging, eye-movement patterns, gesture recognition systems and IoT systems to gather information and discusses the use of deep learning, CNN and RNN-LSTM models of how this information can be usefully processed to detect emotional states.
Discussing the latest trends and developments in research in the field, this book is a useful resource for researchers in affective computing, affective neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, computer vision, signal and image processing, cybersecurity, AI/ML/DL, data science, HCI, sensing and robotics.
Practicing physicians, clinical experts or researchers in experimental and applied cognitive psychology who wish to understand the emotional wellbeing (pain and stress level analysis) of patients may also find this book of interest.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in E-Healthcare Systems
- Editors: Munish Sabharwal; B. Balamurugan Balusamy; S. Rakesh Kumar; N. Gayathri; Shakhzod Suvanov
- Publication Year: 2022
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Increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) is being deployed in many hospitals and healthcare settings to help improve health care service delivery. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) tools can help guide physicians with tasks such as diagnosis and detection of diseases and assisting with medical decision making.
This edited book outlines novel applications of AI in e-healthcare. It includes various real-time/offline applications and case studies in the field of e-Healthcare, such as image recognition tools for assisting with tuberculosis diagnosis from x-ray data, ML tools for cancer disease prediction, and visualisation techniques for predicting the outbreak and spread of Covid-19.
Heterogenous recurrent convolution neural networks for risk prediction in electronic healthcare record datasets are also reviewed.
Suitable for an audience of computer scientists and healthcare engineers, the main objective of this book is to demonstrate effective use of AI in healthcare by describing and promoting innovative case studies and finding the scope for improvement across healthcare services.
Applications of Machine Learning in Digital Healthcare
- Editors: Miguel Hernandez Silveira; Su-Shin Ang
- Publication Year: 2022
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Machine learning algorithms are increasingly finding applications in the healthcare sector. Whether assisting a clinician to process an individual patient's data or helping administrators view hospital bed turnover, the volume and complexity of healthcare data is a compelling reason for the development of machine learning based tools to aid in its interpretation and use.
This edited book focuses on the applications of machine learning in the healthcare sector, both at the macro-level for guiding policy decisions, and at the granular level, showing how ML techniques can be applied to process an individual patient's medical data to swiftly aid diagnosis.
Written by an international team of experts, the book presents several applications of machine learning in the healthcare sector, including health system planning, optimisation and preparedness, outlining the benefits and challenges of coordination and data sharing. Machine learning has many applications in processing patient data and topics such as arrhythmia detection, image-guided microsurgery and early detection of Alzheimer's disease are discussed in depth. The book also looks at machine learning applications exploiting wearable sensors for real-time analysis and concepts around enhancing physical performance.
Suitable for an audience of computer scientists, healthcare engineers and those involved with digital medicine, this book brings together a plethora of machine learning applications from across the board of the healthcare services.
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology in Modern Telehealth Systems
- Editors: Agbotiname Lucky Imoize; Chandrashekhar Meshram; Joseph Bamidele Awotunde; Dinh-Thuan Do
- Publication Year: 2023
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The expansion of telehealth services is enabling healthcare professionals to consult, diagnose, advise or perform tasks remotely, enabling them to treat more patients in their own homes or consult on cases on the other side of the world. The security of sensitive user information is critical to effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services. Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology are identified as key drivers of emerging telehealth systems, enabling efficient delivery of telehealth services to billions of patients globally. Specifically, AI facilitates the processing and analysis of complex telehealth data, and blockchain technology offers decentralised, transparent, traceable, reliable, trustful, and provable security to telehealth systems.
This edited book reviews security and privacy issues in traditional telehealth systems and focuses on the technical considerations, potential opportunities and critical challenges currently inhibiting the adoption of AI and blockchain in telehealth systems. The book presents case studies which highlight critical lessons and considers the prospects and societal benefits of AI and blockchain, while providing suitable recommendations for designing future AI and blockchain-based telehealth systems.
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology in Modern Telehealth Systems is suited to researchers and computer engineers working in healthcare delivery, telemedicine, cybersecurity, data science, AI/ML and those in related fields.
Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design To Implementation
- Editors: Thomas Webster; Hilal Yazici
- Publication Year: 2016
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Nanomaterials are able to penetrate nanoscale pores of tissues, possess prolonged circulation, enter cells, and have increased surface area per volume allowing for greater drug loading. For these reasons, nanomaterials are finding numerous uses in medicine including fighting cancer, promoting tissue regeneration, reversing aging, inhibiting infection, limiting inflammation or scar tissue growth, and many others. This book describes the engineering applications and challenges of using nanostructured surfaces and nanomaterials in healthcare. Topics covered include biomimetic coating of calcium phosphates on Ti metals; surface modifications of orthopaedic implant materials using an electroplating process; design, fabrication and application of carbon-based nano biomaterials; usage of stem cells in bone and cartilage tissue engineering; nanobiomaterials and 3D bioprinting for osteochondral regeneration; self- assembled peptide hydrogels for biomedical applications; antimicrobial properties of nanomaterials; nanoparticle enhanced radiation therapy for bacterial infection; nanomaterials used in implant technology and their toxicity; challenges of risk assessment of nanomaterials in consumer products and current regulatory status; and the clinical rationale for silicon nitride bioceramics in orthopedics. With contributions from an international selection of researchers this book is essential reading for researchers in industry and academia working at the interfaces of healthcare, engineering and nanotechnology.
Blockchain Technology in e-Healthcare Management
- Editors: Suyel Namasudra; Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque
- Publication Year: 2022
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The healthcare arena has seen a shift in recent years, with more healthcare provisions being delivered or managed via electronic means. Healthcare providers can now provide patients with diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, or a prescription without ever sharing the same physical space. With so much more patient data now stored and accessed electronically, the security of this information is ever more critical to the delivery of effective and efficient healthcare services. As blockchains are resistant to modification of their data, blockchain technology therefore provides traceable and reliable security to e-Healthcare systems and services.
Introducing the fundamentals of blockchain technology and discussing its applications in the e-Healthcare sphere, the editors highlight recent research and development in blockchain technology, specifically in healthcare environments such as e-healthcare records and data security, health insurance management and fraud detection, pharmaceutical supply chain management and drug traceability, and IoT enabled patient monitoring. Including a case study on managing e-Healthcare data the editors also explore the challenges and future directions of using blockchain technology in delivering and managing e-Healthcare provision.
Written by a range of international experts, the book will be of interest to researchers and academics in information security, data scientists, and healthcare professionals/administrators with responsibility for e-Healthcare records.
Blockchain and Machine Learning for e-Healthcare Systems
- Editors: Balamurugan Balusamy; Naveen Chilamkurti; Lucia Agnes Beena; T. Poongodi
- Publication Year: 2020
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Blockchain and machine learning technologies can mitigate healthcare issues such as slow access to medical data, poor system interoperability, lack of patient agency, and data quality and quantity for medical research. Blockchain technology facilitates and secures the storage of information in such a way that doctors can see a patient's entire medical history, but researchers see only statistical data instead of any personal information. Machine learning can make use of this data to notice patterns and give accurate predictions, providing more support for the patients and also in research related fields where there is a need for accurate data to predict credible results. This book examines the application of blockchain technology and machine learning algorithms in various healthcare settings, covering the basics of the technologies and exploring how they can be used to improve clinical outcomes and improving the patient's experience. These topics are illustrated with reference to issues around the supply chain, drug verification, reimbursement, control access and clinical trials. Case studies are given for applications in the analysis of breast cancer, hepatitis C, and COVID-19.
Blockchain for 5G Healthcare Applications: Security and privacy solutions
- Editor: Sudeep Tanwar
- Publication Year: 2021
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A secured system for Healthcare 4.0 is vital to all stakeholders, including patients and caregivers. Using the new Blockchain system of trusted ledgers would help guarantee authenticity in the multi-access system that is Healthcare 4.0. This is the first comprehensive book that explores how to achieve secure systems for Healthcare 4.0 using Blockchain, with emphasis on the key challenges of privacy and security. The book is organized into four sections. The first section is focused on 5G healthcare privacy and security concerns. The second section discusses healthcare architecture and emerging technologies. The third section covers the role of artificial intelligence for data security and privacy in 5G healthcare services. Finally, the last section systematically illustrates the adoption of blockchain in various applications of 5G healthcare. The book is essential reading for all involved in setting up, running, and maintaining healthcare information systems. Engineers, scientists, technologists, developers, designers, and researchers in healthcare technologies, health informatics, security, and information technology will find the content particularly useful.
Control of Prosthetic Hands: Challenges and emerging avenues
- Editor: Kianoush Nazarpour
- Publication Year: 2020
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This edited book brings together research from laboratories across the world, in order to offer a global perspective on advances in prosthetic hand control. State-of-the-art control of prosthetics in the laboratory and clinical spaces are presented and the challenges discussed, and the effect of user training on control of prosthetics to evaluate the translational efficacy and value for the end-user is highlighted. The book begins with a chapter introducing the fundamental principles, engineering challenges and control solutions for prosthetic hands. Further chapters address methods to design bespoke sockets, magnetomyography, implantable technologies for closed-loop control of prostheses, direct neural control of prostheses via nerve implants as well as user-prosthesis co-adaptation, and two chapters on prosthetics for children. The book concludes with a chapter by Dr Nazarpour on the future of myoelectric prosthetics control, with particular focus on the successful translation of research advances into real clinical gains. The book is essential reading for anyone involved in research or undertaking advanced courses in prosthetic design and control. It provides an in-depth exploration of this rewarding topic, by exploring technologies with the potential to improve the quality of life of upper-limb prosthetic users.
Cybersecurity in Emerging Healthcare Systems
- Editors: Agbotiname Lucky Imoize; Chandrashekhar Meshram; Joseph Bamidele Awotunde; Yousef Farhaoui; Dinh-Thuan Do
- Publication Year: 2024
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Emerging healthcare networks are interconnected physical systems that use cyber technologies for interaction and functionality. The proliferation of massive internet-of-things (IoT) devices enables remote and distributed access to cutting-edge diagnostics and treatment options in modern healthcare systems. New security vulnerabilities are emerging due to the increasing complexity of the healthcare architecture, in particular, threats to medical devices and critical infrastructure pose significant concerns owing to their potential risks to patient health and safety. In recent times, patients have been exposed to high risks from attacks capable of disrupting critical medical infrastructure, communications facilities, and services, interfering with medical devices, or compromising sensitive user data.
This book seeks to present cyber risk and vulnerability models, considering a number of threats and examining how effective regulations could help guarantee medical device fidelity and trust. The book discusses the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide practical learning-based solutions to address cyberattacks in emerging healthcare systems. The book focuses on the technical considerations, potential opportunities, critical cybersecurity challenges, the prospects and potential benefits of cybersecurity in emerging healthcare systems. Finally, the book presents case studies, highlighting critical lessons, and providing recommendations for designing AI-based cybersecurity architectures for emerging healthcare systems.
Written by an international team of authors, this book is suitable for an audience of industry-based and academic researchers, scientists, and computer engineers working in data science, cybersecurity and wireless communications particularly those specialising in healthcare data science and those in related fields.
Deep Learning in Medical Image Processing and Analysis
- Editors: Khaled Rabie; Chandran Karthik; Subrata Chowdhury; Pushan Kumar Dutta
- Publication Year: 2023
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Medical images, in various formats, are used by clinicians to identify abnormalities or markers associated with certain conditions, such as cancers, diseases, abnormalities or other adverse health conditions. Deep learning algorithms use vast volumes of data to train the computer to recognise certain features in the images that are associated with the disease or condition that you wish to identify.
Whilst analysing the images by eye can take a lot of time, deep learning algorithms have the benefit of reviewing medical images at a faster rate than a human can, which aids the clinician, speeding up diagnoses and freeing up clinicians' time for other duties.
Deep Learning in Medical Image Processing and Analysis introduces the fundamentals of deep learning for biomedical image analysis for applications including ophthalmology, cancer detection and heart disease. The book considers the principles of multi-instance feature selection, swarm optimisation, parallel processing models, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, as well as their design and optimisation, in biomedical applications. Topics such as data security, patient confidentiality, effectiveness and reliability will also be discussed.
Written by an international team of experts, this edited book covers principles and applications for industry and academic researchers, scientists, engineers, developers, and designers in the fields of machine learning, deep learning, AI, image processing, signal processing, computer science or related fields. It will also be of interest to standards bodies and regulators, and clinicians using deep learning models.
Digital Methods and Tools to Support Healthy Ageing
- Editors: Pradeep Kumar Ray; Siaw-Teng Liaw; J. Artur Serrano
- Publication Year: 2021
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While digital transformations are happening in all walks of society and business, there is real potential for improving the quality of life of the elderly using digital methods and tools. This book evolved from a recent multi-country and multi-disciplinary initiative called Digital Health for the Ageing Population. This project (2019-2021) aimed to promote the general awareness of digital health for the ageing population with collaborative research across several countries including Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Norway, The Netherlands, and USA.Digital health promises to deliver better healthcare quality cost-efficiently to more people, especially in the case of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. It will achieve this by combining the benefits of telehealth, eHealth, data-driven personalised healthcare, and evidence-based care. This book presents a discussion of evolving digital technologies, such as smart phones and assisted living, and innovative digitally based services that are helping improve the quality and cost of healthcare for the elderly.With its international scope and detailed coverage of relevant digital methods and tools, this book will benefit healthcare technologists, ICT developers, managers of healthcare and mobile healthcare projects, and academic researchers working in related fields.
Digital Twin Technologies for Healthcare 4.0
- Editors: Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj; Santhiya Murugesan; Balamurugan Balusamy; Valentina E. Balas
- Publication Year: 2022
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In healthcare, a digital twin is a digital representation of a patient or healthcare system using integrated simulations and service data. The digital twin tracks a patient's records, crosschecks them against registered patterns and analyses any diseases or contra indications. The digital twin uses adaptive analytics and algorithms to produce accurate prognoses and suggest appropriate interventions. A digital twin can run various medical scenarios before treatment is initiated on the patient, thus increasing patient safety as well as providing the most appropriate treatments to meet the patient's requirements.
Digital Twin Technologies for Healthcare 4.0 discusses how the concept of the digital twin can be merged with other technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data analytics, IoT and cloud data management, for the improvement of healthcare systems and processes. The book also focuses on the various research perspectives and challenges in implementation of digital twin technology in terms of data analysis, cloud management and data privacy issues.
With chapters on visualisation techniques, prognostics and health management, this book is a must-have for researchers, engineers and IT professionals in healthcare as well as those involved in using digital twin technology, AI, IoT and big data analytics for novel applications.
EEG Signal Processing: Feature extraction, selection and classification methods
- Editor: Wai Yie Leong
- Publication Year: 2019
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Electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological monitoring method used to record the brain activity in brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. It records the electrical activity of the brain, is typically non-invasive with electrodes placed along the scalp, requires relatively simple and inexpensive equipment, and is easier to use than other methods. EEG-based BCI methods provide modest speed and accuracy which is why multichannel systems and proper signal processing methods are used for feature extraction, feature selection and feature classification to discriminate among several mental tasks. This edited book presents state of the art aspects of EEG signal processing methods, with an emphasis on advanced strategies, case studies, clinical practices and applications such as EEG for meditation, auditory selective attention, sleep apnoea; person authentication; handedness detection, Parkinson's disease, motor imagery, smart air travel support and brain signal classification.
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas for Biomedical Applications
- Editor: Lulu Wang
- Publication Year: 2021
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Electromagnetic waves have long been used in medical settings for diagnostic purposes, such as for the detection of cancerous tissues, stroke events or cardiovascular risk, as the behaviour of the waves upon meeting their target gives pertinent information for diagnostic and imaging purposes. This edited book presents advances in the use of electromagnetic waves and antennas in healthcare settings, both as diagnostic tools (such as radar-based imaging, holographic microwave imaging, thermoacoustic imaging systems), and therapeutic interventions (such as microwave ablation therapies for cancer). Written by an international team of biomedical engineering researchers, it discusses all aspects related to the design and modelling of electromagnetic imaging techniques, electromagnetic devices, wireless implants, wearable systems and wireless sensor networks and in vitro and in vivo testing. Design issues for wearable antennas, wearable sensors, magnetic coils and coil array issues are explored and biomedical applications such as cancer detection, stoke event detection, GI diagnostics, and cardiovascular risk prediction are discussed. The book also explores scattering problems of electromagnetic waves between different tissues, and how these complex scattering problems can be resolved. This book will be of interest to researchers and engineers in the electromagnetic wave community, those in antenna research, biomedical engineering and related fields.
Engineering High Quality Medical Software: Regulations, standards, methodologies and tools for certification
- Author(s): Antonio Coronato
- Publication Year: 2018
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No longer confined to medical devices, medical software has become a pervasive technology giving healthcare operators access to clinical information stored in electronic health records and clinical decision support systems, supporting robot-assisted telesurgery, and providing the technology behind ambient assisted living. These systems and software must be designed, built and maintained according to strict regulations and standards to ensure that they are safe, reliable and secure. Engineering High Quality Medical Software illustrates how to exploit techniques, methodologies, development processes and existing standards to realize high-confidence medical software. After an introductory survey of the topic the book covers global regulations and standards (including EU MDD 93/42/EEC, FDA Title 21 of US CFR, ISO 13485, ISO 14971, IEC 52304, IEEE 1012 and ISO/IEC 29119), verification and validation techniques and techniques, and methodologies and engineering tasks for the development, configuration and maintenance of medical software.
Enhanced Living Environments: From models to technologies
- Editors: Rossitza Ivanova Goleva; Ivan Ganchev; Ciprian Dobre; Nuno Garcia; Carlos Valderrama
- Publication Year: 2017
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Enhanced living environments employ information and communications technologies to support true ambient assisted living for adults and people with disabilities. This book provides an overview of today's architectures, techniques, protocols, components, and cloud-based solutions related to ambient assisted living and enhanced living environments. Topics covered include: an introduction to enhanced living environments; pervasive sensing for social connectedness; ethics in information and communication technologies; service scenarios in smart personal environments; technological support to stress level monitoring; big data systems to improve healthcare information searching over the Internet; sensors for wireless body area networks; linear wireless sensor networks and protocols in next generation networks; model-compilation challenges for cyber-physical systems; health monitoring using wireless body area networks; wearable health care; and intelligent systems for after-stroke home rehabilitation.
Evolving Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: New AI techniques for real-time interventions
- Editors: Abhishek Kumar; Ashutosh Kumar Dubey; Surbhi Bhatia; Swarn Avinash Kumar; Dac-Nhuong Le
- Publication Year: 2022
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A major use of practical predictive analytics in medicine has been in the diagnosis of current diseases, particularly through medical imaging. Now there is sufficient improvement in AI, IoT and data analytics to deal with real time problems with an increased focus on early prediction using machine learning and deep learning algorithms. With the power of artificial intelligence alongside the internet of 'medical' things, these algorithms can input the characteristics/data of their patients and get predictions of future diagnoses, classifications, treatment and costs.
Evolving Predictive Analytics in Healthcare: New AI techniques for real-time interventions discusses deep learning algorithms in medical diagnosis, including applications such as Covid-19 detection, dementia detection, and predicting chemotherapy outcomes on breast cancer tumours. Smart healthcare monitoring frameworks using IoT with big data analytics are explored and the latest trends in predictive technology for solving real-time health care problems are examined. By using real-time data inputs to build predictive models, this new technology can literally 'see' your future health and allow clinicians to intervene as needed.
This book is suitable reading for researchers interested in healthcare technology, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence.