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HF Filter Design and Computer Simulation

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Author(s): Randall W. Rhea 1
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Publication Year: 1994

A book for engineers who design and build filters of all types, including lumped element, coaxial, helical, dielectric resonator, stripline and microstrip types. A thorough review of classic and modern filter design techniques, containing extensive practical design information of passband characteristics, topologies and transformations, component effects and matching. An excellent text for the design and construction of microstrip filters.

Inspec keywords: resonators; transformers; computer aided engineering; filters; electronic engineering computing

Other keywords: computer simulation; network fundamentals; bandpass structures; resonators; HF filter design; filter losses; computer-aided strategies; reactors; highpass structures; bandstop structures; lowpass structures; PWB manufacturing

Subjects: General and management topics; Waveguide and microwave transmission line components; Electronic engineering computing; Filters and other networks; General electrical engineering topics

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