Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Brain-Machine Interfaces
Brain-machine interfacing or brain-computer interfacing (BMI/BCI) is an emerging and challenging technology used in engineering and neuroscience. The ultimate goal is to provide a pathway from the brain to the external world via mapping, assisting, augmenting or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. In this book an international panel of experts introduce signal processing and machine learning techniques for BMI/BCI and outline their practical and future applications in neuroscience, medicine, and rehabilitation, with a focus on EEG-based BMI/BCI methods and technologies. Topics covered include discriminative learning of connectivity pattern of EEG; feature extraction from EEG recordings; EEG signal processing; transfer learning algorithms in BCI; convolutional neural networks for event-related potential detection; spatial filtering techniques for improving individual template-based SSVEP detection; feature extraction and classification algorithms for image RSVP based BCI; decoding music perception and imagination using deep learning techniques; neurofeedback games using EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Technology; affective computing system and more.
Other keywords: EEG signal decoding; BMI command discrimination; deep learning; supervised adaptation; machine learning; transfer learning; brain-machine interfaces; optimal spatial filtering; supervised connectivity analysis; tangent-space mapping; neural networks; low spatial resolution; parametric modeling; signal processing; signal structures; unsupervised adaptation
- Book DOI: 10.1049/PBCE114E
- Chapter DOI: 10.1049/PBCE114E
- ISBN: 9781785613982
- e-ISBN: 9781785613999
- Page count: 356
- Format: PDF
Front Matter
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1 Brain–computer interfaces and electroencephalogram: basics and practical issues
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This chapter is a comprehensive overview of noninvasive brain-machine interface (BMI). Though intended for nonspecialists, it contains some technical details and the background materials for the rest of the book. After introducing the core components of the BMI systems, this chapter describes various possibilities for brain activity measurements. It then emphasizes on electroencephalogram (EEG), which will be used as the source of the signals for BMI in the rest of the book. Next, possible standard preprocessing algorithms commonly used in EEG-based BMIs are illustrated along with the main categories of features extracted from EEG and used for classifications. Finally, some possible applications of BMI are described.
2 Discriminative learning of connectivity pattern of motor imagery EEG
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Different mental states result in different synchronizations or desynchronizations between multiple brain regions, and subsequently, electroencephalogram (EEG) connectivity analysis gains increasing attention in brain computer interfaces (BCIs). Conventional connectivity analysis is usually conducted at the scalp-level and in an unsupervised manner. However, due to the volume conduction effect, EEG data suffer from low signal-to-noise ratio and poor spatial resolution. Thus, it is hard to effectively identify the task-related connectivity pattern at the scalp-level using unsupervised method. There exist extensive discriminative spatial filtering methods for different BCI paradigms. However, in conventional spatial filter optimization methods, signal correlations or connectivities are not taken into consideration in the objective functions. To address the issue, in this work, we propose a discriminative connectivity pattern-learning method. In the proposed framework, EEG correlations are used as the features, with which Fisher's ratio objective function is adopted to optimize spatial filters. The proposed method is evaluated with a binary motor imagery EEG dataset. Experimental results show that more connectivity information are maintained with the proposed method, and classification accuracies yielded by the proposed method are comparable to conventional discriminative spatial filtering method.
3 An experimental study to compare CSP and TSM techniques to extract features during motor imagery tasks
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Common spatial pattern (CSP) is a well-established technique to extract features from electroencephalographic recordings for classification purpose in motor imagery brain-computer interface (BCI).The CSP algorithm is a mathematical procedure used for separating a multivariate signal into additive components which have maximum differences in variance between two windows; in other terms, CSP increases the signal variance for one condition while minimizing the variance for the other condition. Features computed by means of CSP are fed to a data classifier in order to discriminate between two mental tasks. A novel technique to achieve feature extraction is tangentspace mapping (TSM) that insists on spatial covariance matrices computed from the recorded electroencephalogram signals (EEG). TSM is based on Riemannian geometry, which allows one to estimate statistical features of data distributions over non-Euclidean spaces. The aim of this chapter is twofold: first, to provide a new data-visualization tool to visually inspect data distributions on the Riemannian space of spatial covariance matrices and its tangent bundle; second, to present an experimental comparison of CSP and TSM feature extraction, in conjunction with two classification methods, namely, support-vector machine and linear discriminant analysis. In particular, the experimental comparison performed on a number of data sets will show the superiority of TSM-based feature extraction over CSP.
4 Robust EEG signal processing with signal structures
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Brain decoding has contributed to the development of cognitive neuroscience and the production of brain-machine interfaces/brain-computer interfaces (BCI/BMI). For brain decoding, electroencephalography (EEG), which allows the observation of the electrophysiological activities of neurons, is widely used to observe brain activity. In particular, an EEG read from electrodes installed on a scalp, which has some advantages when it comes to cost, size, and ease of measurement, is a promising recording method for producing noninvasive BMIs against magnetoencephalograms, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and so on. However, an EEG signal has low spatial resolution and is highly affected by noise. Moreover, the recoding of an EEG is time-consuming and tires BMI users. Therefore, signal processing techniques that can robustly extract brain activity patterns from EEG signals with a low signal-to-noise ratio and a small sample size are necessary. One approach to achieve such techniques is to incorporate additional information retrieved separately from an EEG in signal processing. This chapter describes some techniques that can accomplish this. The signal structures include physical structures, such as the location of the electrodes, and functional structures, such as synchronizing brain regions. The discussion on the importance of the signal structures in a source analysis of EEG signals that can improve the BMI performance will be discussed in this chapter. In contrast to a source analysis, which finds the brain patterns in a source domain, regularization incorporating the signal structures in a sensor domain will be discussed. Moreover, we will show the signal processing in a graph spectral domain that is a vector space derived from the signal structure.
5 A review on transfer learning approaches in brain–computer interface
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One of the major limitations of brain-computer interface (BCI) is its long calibration time. Typically, a big amount of training data needs to be collected at the beginning of each session in order to tune the parameters of the system for the target user due to between sessions/subjects non-stationarity. To mitigate this limitation, transfer learning can be potentially one useful solution. Transfer learning extracts information from different domains (raw data, features, or classification domain) to compensate the lack of labelled data from the test subject. Within this chapter transfer learning definitions and techniques are fully explained.After that, some of the available transfer learning applications in BCI are explored. Then, a brief discussion about applying transfer learning in the different domains is included. The discussion shows that despite some advances, a successful transfer learning framework for BCI still needs to be developed. Finally, future research directions in this topic are suggested in order to successfully and reliably reduce the calibration time for new subjects and increase the accuracy of the system.
6 Unsupervised learning for brain–computer interfaces based on event-related potentials
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Machine learning has become a core component in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Unfortunately, the use of machine learning typically requires the collection of subject specific labelled data. This process is time-consuming and not productive from a user's point of view, as during calibration the user has to follow given instructions and cannot make own decisions. Only after calibration, the user is able to use the BCI freely. In this chapter, we describe how the supervised calibration process can be circumvented by unsupervised learning in which the decoder is trained while the user is utilising the system. We discuss three variations. First, expectation-maximisation (EM)-based training, which works wells empirically but can sometimes be unstable. Learning from label proportions (LLP)-based training, which is guaranteed to converge to the optimal solution, but learns more slowly. Third, a hybrid approach combining the stability of LLP with the speed of learning of EM in a highly efficient and effective approach that can readily replace supervised decoders for event-related potential BCI.
7 Covariate shift detection-based nonstationary adaptation in motor-imagery-based brain–computer interface
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Nonstationary learning refers to the process that can learn patterns from data, adapt to shifts, and improve performance of the system with its experience while operating in the nonstationary environments (NSEs). Covariate shift (CS) presents a major challenge during data processing within NSEs wherein the input-data distribution shifts during transitioning from training to testing phase. CS is one of the fundamental issues in electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems and can be often observed during multiple trials of EEG data recorded over different sessions. Thus, conventional learning algorithms struggle to accommodate these CSs in streaming EEG data resulting in low performance (in terms of classification accuracy) of motor imagery (MI)-related BCI systems. This chapter aims to introduce a novel framework for nonstationary adaptation in MI-related BCI system based on CS detection applied to the temporal and spatial filtered features extracted from raw EEG signals. The chapter collectively provides an efficient method for accounting nonstationarity in EEG data during learning in NSEs.
8 A BCI challenge for the signal-processing community: considering the user in the loop
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Electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have proven promising for a wide range of applications, from communication and control for motor impaired users to gaming targeted at the general public, real-time mental state monitoring and stroke rehabilitation, to name a few. Despite this promising potential, BCIs are still scarcely used outside laboratories for practical applications. The main reason preventing EEG-based BCIs from being widely used is arguably their poor usability, which is notably due to their low robustness and reliability. To operate a BCI, the user has to encode commands in his/her EEG signals, typically using mental imagery tasks, such as imagining hand movement or mental calculation. The execution of these tasks leads to specific EEG patterns, which the machine has to decode by using signal processing and machine learning. So far, to address the reliability issue of BCI, most research efforts have been focused on command decoding only. However, if the user is unable to encode commands in her EEG patterns, no signal-processing algorithm would be able to decode them. Therefore, we argue in this chapter that BCI design is not only a decoding challenge (i.e., translating EEG signals into control commands) but also a human-computer interaction challenge, which aims at ensuring the user can control the BCI. Interestingly enough, there are a number of open challenges to take the user into account, for which signal-processing and machine-learning methods could provide solutions. These challenges notably concerns (1) the modeling of the user and (2) understanding and improving how and what the user is learning. More precisely, the BCI community should first work on user modeling, i.e., modeling and updating the user's states and skills overtime from his/herEEG signals, behavior, BCI performances and possibly other sensors. The community should also identify new performance metrics-beyond classification accuracy-that could better describe users' skills at BCI control. Second, the BCI community has to understand how and what the user learns to control the BCI. This includes thoroughly identifying the features to be extracted and the classifier to be used to ensure the user's understanding of the feedback resulting from them, as well as how to present this feedback. Being able to update machine-learning parameters in a specific manner and a precise moment to favor learning without confusing the user with the ever-changeable feedback is another challenge. Finally, it is necessary to gain a clearer understanding of the reasons why mental commands are sometimes correctly decoded and sometimes not; what makes people sometimes fail at BCI control, in order to be able to guide them to do better. Overall, this chapter identifies a number of open and important challenges for the BCI community, at the user level, to which experts in machine learning and signal processing could contribute.
9 Feedforward artificial neural networks for event-related potential detection
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The detection of brain responses at the single-trial level in the electroencephalogram (EEG) such as event-related potentials (ERPs) is a difficult problem that requires different processing steps to extract relevant discriminant features as the input signal is noisy and the brain responses can be different overtime. In brain-computer interface, single-trial detection is primarily applied to distinguish the presence of large ERP components such as the P300. Because the characteristics of the P300 can depend on the parameters of the oddball paradigm, the type of stimuli, and as it can vary across subjects and over time during experiments, a reliable classifier must take into account this variability for the detection of the P300. While most of the signal and classification techniques for the detection of brain responses are based on linear algebra, different pattern recognition techniques such as convolutional neural network (CNN), as a type of deep learning technique, have shown some interest as they are able to process the signal after limited preprocessing. In this chapter, we propose to investigate the performance of different feedforward neural networks in relation of their architecture and in relation to how they are evaluated: a single system for each subject or a system for all the subjects. More particularly, we want to address the change of performance that can be observed between specifying a neural network to a subject, or by considering a neural network for a group of subjects, taking advantage of a larger number of trials from different subjects. The results support the conclusion that a CNN trained on different subjects can lead to an AUC above 0.9 by using an appropriate architecture using spatial filtering and shift invariant layers.
10 Signal models for brain interfaces based on evoked response potential in EEG
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Electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are developed to provide access channels for alternative communication and control systems to people with severe speech and physical impairments. Designs that exploit evoked response potentials (ERPs) in EEG constitute the majority of research efforts dedicated to noninvasive BCIs. Visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation paradigms are used to actively probe the user's brain to collect EEG evidence towards inferring intent in the context of the particular application. As assistive technology devices, however, existing EEG-based BCIs lack sufficient speed and accuracy to safely and reliably restore function at acceptable levels. This is mainly because the recorded EEG signals are not only noisy with a low signal-to-noise ratio, but are also nonstationary, due to physiological or environmental artifacts, sensor failure, and user fatigue. In this chapter, we address how reliable intent inference engines with reasonable speed and accuracy can be developed using parametric modeling. Examples of real-world data in the framework of the ERP-based BCI paradigm are provided to exemplify our detection and classification methods.
11 Spatial filtering techniques for improving individual template-based SSVEP detection
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In the past decade, the performance of brain-computer interfaces based on steadystate visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) has been significantly improved due to advances in signal analysis algorithms. For example, efficient target-identification methods based on template matching, in which individual templates are obtained by averaging the training data across trials, have been proposed to improve the performance of SSVEP detection. In template-based methods, spatial filtering plays an important role in improving the performance by enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio of SSVEPs. In conventional studies, several spatial-filtering approaches have been introduced for electroencephalogram analysis. However, the optimal spatial-filtering approach for individual template-based SSVEP detection still remains unknown. This chapter reviews the spatial-filtering approaches for improving the template-based SSVEP detection and evaluates their performance through a direct comparison using a benchmark dataset of SSVEPs.
12 A review of feature extraction and classification algorithms for image RSVP-based BCI
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In this chapter, we introduce an architecture for rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems that use electroencephalography (EEG). Hereafter, we will refer to the coupling of the RSVP protocol with EEG to support a target-search BCI as RSVP-EEG. Our focus in this chapter is on a review of feature extraction and classification algorithms applied in RSVP-EEG development. We briefly present the commonly deployed algorithms and describe their properties based on the literature. We conclude with a discussion on the future trajectory of this exciting branch of BCI research.
13 Decoding music perception and imagination using deep-learning techniques
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Deep learning is a sub-field of machine learning that has recently gained substantial popularity in various domains such as computer vision, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, and bioinformatics. Deep-learning techniques are able to learn complex feature representations from raw signals and thus also have potential to improve signal processing in the context of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). However, they typically require large amounts of data for training - much more than what can often be provided with reasonable effort when working with brain activity recordings of any kind. In order to still leverage the power of deep-learning techniques with limited available data, special care needs to be taken when designing the BCI task, defining the structure of the deep model, and choosing the training method. This chapter presents example approaches for the specific scenario of musicbased brain-computer interaction through electroencephalography - in the hope that these will prove to be valuable in different settings as well. We explain important decisions for the design of the BCI task and their impact on the models and training techniques that can be used. Furthermore, we present and compare various pretraining techniques that aim to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, we discuss approaches to interpret the trained models.
14 Neurofeedback games using EEG-based brain–computer interface technology
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Brain-computer interface (BCI) is relatively a new approach to communication between man and machine, which translates brain activity into commands for communication and control. As BCI is capable of detecting human intentions, it is a promising communication tool for paralyzed patients for communicating with external world. Many of the current BCI systems employ electroencephalogram (EEG) which is the most widely used noninvasive brain activity recording technique. EEG signal carries potential features to identify and decode human intentions and mental tasks. Recently, many researchers have started exploiting the possibilities of BCI in entertainment and cognitive skill enhancement. BCI-based games have been identified as a unique entertainment mechanism nowadays, “controlling a 2-D, 3-D or virtual computer game solely by player's brain waves.” BCI games work based on a neurofeedback paradigm which allows an individual to self-regulate his brain signal in response to the real-time visual or auditory feedback of his brain waves/features. This neurofeedback in a gaming environment motivates and trains the players to control his brain features toward the desired stage (self-regulation). This chapter explores the state-of-the-art BCI technology in neurofeedback games, employing EEG signal. It also provides a survey of the existing EEG-based neurofeedback games and evaluates their success rates, challenging factors and influence on players. In neurofeedback games, a number of features extracted from EEG accompanied with sustained attention, selective attention, visuospatial attention, motor imagery, eye movements, etc. have been employed as distinct control signals. We will briefly review and compare various signal processing methodologies and machine-learning techniques employed in those studies to extract and decode the brain features. Besides the structure and algorithms used in neurofeedback games, the therapeutic effects of neurofeedback training and its capabilities for the enhancement of cognitive skills will also be briefly discussed in this chapter. Neurofeedback training helps to rewire brain's underlying neural circuits and to improve brain functions. Therefore, it is considered as an effective tool for boosting cognitive skills of both healthy and the disabled. Specifically, neurofeedback has been considered as an efficient treatment modality for individuals with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). ADHD is characterized by three behavioral symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Along with the conventional intervention strategies such as medication, behavioral treatments, etc., neurofeedback in BCI games has also been emerging as a promising modality for treating the attention deficit. We will also discuss portable and economical EEG recording devices currently employed in BCI-based brain training modules/games. Finally, the chapter will be concluded with a brief overview of the neurofeedback developments in the context of BCI-based games until now, their potential impact on the healthy as well as on people with neurological disorders, challenges in transferring the successful protocols from laboratories into the market and hurdles in real-time BCI system design and development.
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Supplementary material
Supplementary Files for 'Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Brain-Machine Interfaces'
Colour figures for chapter 13 of 'Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Brain-Machine Interfaces' are available