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Toolchain for autonomous systems and its use in real-life scenarios: from science to defence

Toolchain for autonomous systems and its use in real-life scenarios: from science to defence

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In recent years scientists perceived the advantage of unmanned vehicles in ocean exploration. They can extend the time of observation or reach areas that are difficult to access with conventional means. The market offers a diversity of options of unmanned vehicles, but mostly each system is self-contained, and it is difficult to operate in collaboration with others from different vendors. A fl exible tool that enables the interconnection and command of all assets independent of the vendor is a must if we want to integrate diverse assets from multiple vendors. LSTS toolchain for autonomous systems has been in the development for several years and is presented here.

Chapter Contents:

  • 8.1 Introduction
  • 8.2 The toolchain
  • 8.2.1 Communication
  • 8.2.2 DUNE–on-board control software
  • 8.2.3 Extensions to the toolchain
  • 8.2.4 Neptus–command and control framework
  • Communications
  • Console
  • Mission review and analysis
  • Plug-in interface
  • Data structures
  • 8.3 Ripples
  • 8.4 Applying the toolchain
  • 8.4.1 Mine countermeasures
  • 8.4.2 Digital acoustic communications in submarine distress
  • 8.4.3 Multi-robot coastal oceanography
  • 8.4.4 Large-scale open ocean exploration
  • 8.5 Integration with other frameworks
  • 8.6 Conclusion
  • References

Inspec keywords: autonomous underwater vehicles

Other keywords: autonomous systems; unmanned vehicles; LSTS toolchain; real-life scenarios; ocean exploration

Subjects: Marine system control; Mobile robots; Telerobotics

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