Ono, Hitomi; Sakai, Eiichi; Inasawa, Yoshio; Kusano, Masaaki; Kanasashi, Arimasa; Horie, Nobuyoshi; Sunaga, Terumi; Tsunoda, Toshiyasu: 'The initial study of calibrating receiving digital beam forming in engineering test satellite-9' (Telecommunications, 2021), 'Advances in Communications Satellite Systems: Proceedings of the 37th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2019)', Chap. 45, pp. 559-565, DOI: 10.1049/PBTE095E_ch45 IET Digital Library, https://digital-library.theiet.org/;jsessionid=v93u1gkchqp4.x-iet-live-01content/books/10.1049/pbte095e_ch45