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Simulators and emulators for edge computing

Simulators and emulators for edge computing

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In this chapter, we perform a study of the existing tools for the evaluation of Fog/Edge infrastructures. First, we analyze the state of the art in the simulation of Fog/Edge infrastructures and determine the main challenges in simulation and modeling such infrastructures. Then, we use a scientific methodology to identify the most important simulation and emulation tools, identifying their main characteristics, and define a classification. Each tool is then described in detail, and compared with the others. Finally, we conclude the chapter with a discussion about future research directions in the area.

Chapter Contents:

  • 14.1 Introduction
  • 14.1.1 Geographical distribution
  • 14.1.2 Scale
  • 14.1.3 Heterogeneity
  • 14.1.4 Processing type
  • 14.1.5 Mobility
  • 14.1.6 The interplay between Edge, Fog, and Cloud
  • 14.2 Classification of simulators
  • 14.2.1 Research methodology
  • 14.2.2 Features
  • 14.3 Deterministic simulators
  • 14.3.1 iFogSim
  • 14.3.2 EdgeCloudSim
  • 14.3.3 FogNetSim++
  • 14.3.4 FogExplorer
  • 14.3.5 YAFS
  • 14.3.6 RECAP simulator
  • 14.4 Stochastic simulators
  • 14.4.1 FogTorchPI
  • 14.4.2 Sleipnir
  • 14.5 Emulators
  • 14.5.1 EmuFog
  • 14.5.2 Cloud4IoT
  • 14.5.3 Fogbed
  • 14.6 Discussion
  • 14.6.1 Reliability
  • 14.6.2 Network simulation
  • 14.6.3 Validation
  • 14.6.4 Missing general-purpose solution
  • 14.7 Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References

Inspec keywords: distributed processing

Other keywords: edge computing; emulation tools; fog infrastructure; edge infrastructure; emulators

Subjects: Distributed systems software

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