Inspec keywords: evolutionary computation; genomics; optimisation; fuzzy set theory; biology computing; genetics; learning (artificial intelligence)

Other keywords: genomic methods; GRNs; gene expression; FCM -GRN; called fuzzy cognitive maps; FCM learning problem; network structure information; MOEA; selected networks; synthetic FCMs; gene regulatory network reconstruction; automated methods; observed time sequence data; EMOEA; training FCMs; distinct optimal local information; efficient ensemble strategy; final network; target network; complicated regulatory relationships; historical data; gene regulatory networks; ensemble multiobjective evolutionary algorithm; simple but powerful tool

Subjects: Biology and medical computing; Knowledge engineering techniques; Genomic techniques; Interpolation and function approximation (numerical analysis); Combinatorial mathematics; Biomolecular structure, configuration, conformation, and active sites; Probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics; Other topics in statistics; Optimisation techniques; Algebra, set theory, and graph theory; Data handling techniques; Physics of subcellular structures