The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET. Online access to the IET Digital Library unlocks an unsurpassed body of work of more than 174,000 technical papers and around 8,676 eBook chapters from 1994 onwards for all IET journals, magazines, conference publications and seminar digests. Approximately 450 new documents are added to the IET Digital Library each month and this number will increase as we introduce ‘article by article’ publishing, ensuring that articles are available to subscribers at the earliest opportunity, without having to wait for the fully published journal issue to be made available online.
The Journal of Engineering, the IET's broad-based open access research journal has recently launched and will contain a range of inter-disciplinary, peer-reviewed articles that are free to view.
The new IET Knowledge Packs offer a flexible way to access the IET Digital Library - a global repository of science, engineering and technology content that holds over 190,000 technical documents, over 800 eBooks, over 1,600 conference publications, and over 197,000 journal articles. Click here to read more
The IET Digital Library Journals Archive contains over 70,000 articles - the complete collection of research journals published by the IET between the years 1872 and 1993.
Key features
- Search - you can get to the relevant information quickly using the various options provided. An Advanced Search form is also available for more detailed searching.
- Subjects - a quick and more direct way to get to the information you are looking for
- Browse by publication type to find a list of particular journal or book title
- RSS feeds - keep updated on any change to IET Digital Library
- Register - create a personal account online to benefit from a wealth of personalisation features
- Buy - purchase personal subscriptions to any of the titles, individual articles, books and chapters online with a credit card
- Download citations in one of many format options available, including EndNote®
- Collaborate - email colleagues or share document links by social networking tools, such as Mendeley, Twitter and Facebook
In addition, subscribing customers will be able to enjoy these features:
- Linking to and from the IET Digital Library via OpenURL/link resolvers to facilitate navigation across different resources
- COUNTER4 and COUNTER5 compliant - usage reports are available via your Institutional Administrator portal
Personalising IET Digital Library
Register online to customise your account on IET Digital Library to take full advantage of personalisation features to help you save time. Features include:
- Personal table-of-contents email alerting service
- Bookmark your favourite documents or titles in My Favourites
- Save searches for later use
- Search alerts or subject alerts to get the latest information that match your criteria.
For further information or queries:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0)1438 313311
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