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IEE Proceedings - Intelligent Transport Systems

image of IEE Proceedings - Intelligent Transport Systems
Online ISSN 1748-0256
Print ISSN 1748-0248

Published in 2006, IEE Proceedings - Intelligent Transport Systems was an interdisciplinary journal devoted to research into the practical applications of intelligent transport systems (ITS) and infrastructures. The scope of the journal included: information collection and processing; in-vehicle ITS, safety and vulnerable road user aspects; ITS aspects of electric vehicles; public transport; demand management and electronic payment systems; traffic management; fleet and public transport logistics; emergency and incident management; policy and institutional issues; interoperability, standards and architectures; deployment and evaluation; sustainability and environmental issues; funding scenarios; enforcement; human-machine interaction; education, training and outreach; and deployments with enabling technologies.

This publication is continued by IET Intelligent Transport Systems 2007-. ISSN 1751-956X. more..

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