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Online ISSN 1752-1424 Print ISSN 1752-1416

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2015

Volume 9, Issue 1

January 2015

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    • Guest Editorial
      Power system needs – How grid codes should look ahead
      System strength considerations in a converter dominated power system
      Fault-ride-through requirements for wind power plants in the ENTSO-E network code on requirements for generators
      Impact of K-factor and active current reduction during fault-ride-through of generating units connected via voltage-sourced converters on power system stability
      Market value of solar power: Is photovoltaics cost-competitive?
      Integration of solar generation into electricity markets: an Australian National Electricity Market case study
      Transmission network loading in Europe with high shares of renewables
    • Going with the wind: temporal characteristics of potential wind curtailment in Ireland in 2020 and opportunities for demand response
      Modelling and analysis of modular multilevel converter for solar photovoltaic applications to improve power quality

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