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Online ISSN 1350-911X Print ISSN 0013-5194

Electronics Letters

Volume 7, Issue 9, 6 May 1971

Volume 7, Issue 9

6 May 1971

Compensator to maintain observability while decoupling
Vibration-mode patterns of acoustoelectric oscillators
Multiplication of complex numbers using iterative arrays
Synthesis of linear multivariable feedback systems with prescribed stochastic-response characteristics
Prescribed stability optimal controller for time-delay systems
Negative resistance from velocity-saturated nonuniform semiconductor samples
Generalisation of a theorem by mitra and hurtig on positive real functions
Improved algorithm for road-traffic control
Wave impedance from atmospheric noise near 2 kHz
Lightning and the long spark
Sweep-frequency measurement of structural return loss by a carrier-burst method
Interdigital piezoelectric Rayleighwave transducer: an improved equivalent circuit
Fast algorithm for digital logarithmic conversion
Coplanar-guide and slot-guide junction circulators
Doping-dependent mobility analysis of junction field-effect transistors
Stability of a wideband gyrator circuit
Fast versatile binary comparator array
Two-dimensional analysis of lateral-base transistors
Elimination of nonlinear effects in impulse-response testing
Logarithmic convertor
Silicon p-n junction photodiode characteristics with variable drift field in the diffused region
Amplification of acoustic surface waves by means of a broadband hybrid-junction transducer and negative-resistance circuits
Computation of equivalent wave source using the adjoint network
Erratum: Pulse response of 0°Z cut ADP modulators

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