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Online ISSN 1350-911X Print ISSN 0013-5194

Electronics Letters

Volume 6, Issue 22, 29 October 1970

Volume 6, Issue 22

29 October 1970

Controllability of multivariable systems incorporating integral feedback
Inversion of nodal-admittance matrix for active networks in symbolic form
Apparent interface state density introduced by the spatial fluctuations of surface potential in an m.o.s. structure
Electromagnetic-wave propagation along radially inhomogeneous dielectric cylinders
Precise p.t.m. control of a ruby laser
Electronically tuned filter using p-i-n diodes
Limit-cycle constraints for recursive-digital-filter design
Complementary field component of radiation from a Cassegrain subreflector
Class of linear time-varying discrete systems
Broadband high-efficiency frequency triplers
Pulse measurements with resolution time of 18 ps
Operation of avalanche diodes as c.w. amplifiers at fractions of the transit frequency
Obtaining transfer functions with zero steady-state error from impulse responses
Frequency-tuning characteristics of waveguide-mounted transferred-electron oscillators
New type of Rayleigh-wave transducer on piezoelectric ceramics
Equivalent-circuit representation for stably propagating domains in bulk GaAs
Decoding the Johnson code by 2-output comparator circuits
Relative stability of sampled-data control systems by hodograph method
Computing the coefficients of high-order polynomials
Hybrid-tee coupled oscillators
Delay of magnetostatic surface waves in y.i.g.
Gaussian beams in anisotropic media
Optimality and closed-loop pole positions for single-input systems
Erratum: Microstrip TRAPATT oscillator

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