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Therapeutics is a very complex subject for every pharmacy student, since it requires the application of knowledge from several other disciplines. The study of therapeutics is often done in case-based learning in order to promote reflective thinking and give a scenario as real as possible. The objective of this study was to compare student performance between face-to-face (n = 54) and blended learning (n = 56) approaches to the teaching of therapeutics. They can confirm that there are statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the final exam scores from both groups, being that the b-learning group achieved higher scores. Blended learning seems to be an effective way to teach therapeutics, following pre-established teaching methods, and above all, does not negatively affect student performance. It also provides new learning environments and strategies, and promotes the development of new skills such as learning and collaborating online, which may be relevant in a networked knowledge society.

Inspec keywords: teaching; biomedical education; computer aided instruction

Other keywords: pharmacy student; blended learning; face-to-face learning; case-based learning; therapeutics class

Subjects: Computer-aided instruction


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