Ferreira, Bruno V.; Serejo, Gerson; Ferreira, Mylena R.; Ferreira, Danilo F.; Cardoso, Leon; Yoshidome, Ewelton; Arruda, Helder; Lira, Wallace; Ferreira, Jair Jr; Carvalho, Eduardo; Pessin, Gustavo; Souza, Cleidson R.B.: 'Wearable computing for railway environments: proposal and evaluation of a safety solution', IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2017, 11, (6), p. 319-325, DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2016.0187 IET Digital Library, https://digital-library.theiet.org/;jsessionid=7ri05866nnlkc.x-iet-live-01content/journals/10.1049/iet-its.2016.0187