access icon free Accurate object distance estimation based on frequency-domain analysis with a stereo camera

Precise and robust distance measurement is one of the most important requirements for driving assistance systems and automated driving systems. In this study, the authors propose a new method for providing accurate distance measurements through frequency-domain analysis based on a stereo camera by exploiting key information obtained from the analysis of captured images. Moreover, the proposed method was extensively tested and evaluated on a real urban road, highway and tunnel. Based on these results, the authors show that the proposed method provides more precise distance information in real time compared with conventional algorithms. By applying the authors' methodology to measure the distances of various objects, it can be demonstrated that their algorithm offers an improvement of up to 10%.

Inspec keywords: distance measurement; road traffic; traffic engineering computing; image sensors; frequency-domain analysis; stereo image processing

Other keywords: stereo camera; real urban road; tunnel; frequency-domain analysis; accurate object distance estimation; highway; automated driving systems; robust distance measurement; driving assistance systems

Subjects: Mathematical analysis; Image sensors; Optical, image and video signal processing; Computer vision and image processing techniques; Mathematical analysis; Spatial variables measurement; Traffic engineering computing


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